[with childlike wonder I look to the sky and smile]

Jul 17, 2006 11:00

Even after all these years of living in Central Florida...

Something about the shuttle taking off, and looking up and seeing that fire & smoke trail slicing through the sky still gives me a thrill...

... as does that sonic >>>*BOOM!*<<< that shakes the Earth when it comes home.

(Which we just experienced.)

Maybe it makes REAL and in some way taps into that excitement and wonder of space exploration that I've had ever since I used to watch Star Trek..

(Well, I STILL watch it, but I mean, ever since I STARTED watching it.)

PS: FYI: STNG Rules, and Jean-Luc is freakin AWESOME!!! I could watch that show every night. (And practically do.) So there.


reminders, tv, raves, memoirs, observed, travel, in the news, crumbs that sustain me, beautiful world, thinky feely, random share

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