[TODAY'S WASTE OF TIME] brought to you by my cousin Nafeeza, on myspace... (Blame Her!) ..........

Jul 05, 2006 15:22


It's been awhile since I posted one of these, but... (my cousin) Nafeeza always sends this fun stuff and I haven't indulged in awhile, so ... here it is. (Blame her.) Hahaha.....

- - -

1. Name: faria

2. Middle Name: m.

3. State: florida

4. Place of Birth: washington dc

5. Nationality: Indian (dots, not feathers)

6. Male or Female: female

7. Bus: short?

8. School: life/hard-knocks

9. Occupation:work

10. Initials: fmm

11. Screen Name: sinfidel/the henna goddess

.. Your Appearance : .

12. Hair Color: black

13. Hair Length: ass-long

14. Eye color: brown

16. Height: 5' 8"

17. Braces?: nope

18. Glasses? or contacts

19. shoe size? 8 1/2 or 9

20. Diploma?: yep

. : Your Firsts : .

22. First best friend: myself

23. First award: who can remember that far? not me.

25. First thing you did today?: gained cognizance

26. First vacation: I dunno? maybe to guyana??

27. First thing you said today: "hmm..." (to myself)

28. First crush: first grade. Brett. from Ms. William's class.

. : Favorites : .

29. Movie: depends on my mood

30. TV Show: La Femme Nikita maybe

31. Color: leopard-print/purple

32. Rapper: old-school

33. Place to get groceries: publix

34. Food: italian

35. Season: autumn

36. Candy: reeses peanut-butter cups

37. Sport: basketball (to watch)

38. Restaraunt: any one with perfect filet mignon and a hot waiter

40. Store: meh.

41. Subject: social studies/world history (world cultures/religions)

42. Animal: human (or maybe monkeys, which aint much different)

43. Book: yep

44. Magazine: eh? I'd say entertainment weekly except I have about 10 unread ones piled up, so maybe not.

. : Currently : .

45. Doing before you started this survey: eating lunch. I still consider myself to be on my "lunch break"...

46. Feeling: introspective, which is probably why I bothered with this thingy to begin with....

47. Wearing: black cords and hotpink and black diagonally striped lacefront shirt..

48. Crying about: nothing... your mom... one of those.

49. Eating: ate.

50. Drinking: iced-tea

51. Typing: duh.

53. Listening To: my "best set" mix of fave songs I burned for a full day of no-repeat happy listening at work...

54. Thinking about: being independently wealthy... traveling the world over... adopting a child/children and raising them with love to be amazing contributors to the world... making the world a better place.. volunteering... quitting work and joining the peace corps (or something like that)... all kinds of stuff along those lines. (ie: the usual)

55. Wanting: to not be alone all the time

56. Watching: your mom. oh,.. I mean,.. my monitor... yeah.

. : Future : .

57. Where do you see yourself in 5 years: right here. alone. *sigh*

58. Kids: not lookin like it.

59. Want to be Married: under the right circumstances, not just for the sake of it.

60. Career in Mind: love and positivity sharer with the universe. seriously.

. : Which is Better with the (Girl or) BOY of Your Choice:

63. Hair color: who cares

64. Hair length: ditto

65. Eyes: ditto again (2 preferably, but a piratey-eyepatch could be cute, too!)

66. Measurements: its like deja vu all over again

67. Cute or sexy: either is fine.

68. Lips or Eyes: both preferably

69. Hugs or Kisses: ditto

70. Short or Tall: ideally taller than me, but at this point, not an issue

71. Easygoing or serious: could be either

72. Romantic or Spontaneous: yes please

73. Good boy/girl or Bad boy/girl: ummm, a little of both, siding on good but still a little fun and spontaneous for the badside.

74. Sensitive or spontaneous: both

75. Hook-up or Relationship: relationship. its the way to go.

77. Trouble Maker or Hesitant One: not a troublemaker. if they're "bad boy"s who buck authority a little or question "the man" or whatever, that's fine, but I'm SO NOT into TROUBLEmakers.

personally, I think all those were bullshit questions. who knows what "the one" will look like???!!!
I just wanna believe that there IS ONE, for crissakes. at this point, I'm not gonna quibble if he comes in a few inches shorter than me, or if he's got less hair than whatever is "cool" nowadays or whatever. he just has to be a good and frequent smoocher. he has to randomly buy me flowers just because. he has to squish icky bugs (I dont even care if he screams like a girl while doing it) and eradicate all traces of said creatures when necessary. he has to not mind when we go to action flicks and inevitably I drool over batman (and I wont care if he drools over angie jolie). but he also also has to not bitch if I want him to take me to a chick movie sometimes. in return, I'll definitely make it worth his while, but first this paragon has to actually EXIST... *sigh*............. anyhow. moving on...

. : Have You Ever : .

78. Kissed a stranger: a coupla times, actually. (oops!)

79. Had major surgery: umm, not really. (oral surgery to extract my wisdom teeth?)

81. Ran away from home: yeah, actually. (oops, again!)

82. Broken a bone: nope.

83. Got an X-Ray: yep

84. Been on a cruise: a coupla times (yay!)

85. Broken someone's heart: not to my knowledge

86. Dumped someone: yep

87. Cried when someone died: yep!

88. Cried at school: yep.. more than once I think.

. : Do You Believe In : .

89. God: in my own way

90. Miracles: sure.

91: Love at first sight: mmmm?

92. Ghosts: sort of.

93. Aliens: maybe.

94. Soulmates: I hope.

95. Heaven: I can really only HOPE on this one!

96. Hell: I hope NOT! ha.

97. Answered prayers: who knows. if there's no hell, that might count as one... so depends on that, I guess.

98. Kissing on The First Date: okay!

99. Horoscopes: sometimes.

. : Answer Truthfully : .

100. Is there someone you wish you were dating: yeah, but ben affleck's married now and has a kid, so I guess that it for me then? hahaha..........

Repost this with your own answers as "100 things about me".

quizzes, family, me meme, memoirs, wish list, random share, thinky feely

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