I AM SOOO FREAKIN SLEEPY RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nov 11, 2005 04:26


I've been not sleeping "properly" for weeks now. Usually, my sleep cycle sucks, in any case, but lately?! Arrrgh.

Instead of even squeaking out like 3-4 hours of sleep, and waking up, and managing to fall BACK to sleep shortly thereafter and hopefully sleep a few more hours until the alarm rings, I have been either not falling asleep until way late, either because I CAN'T or because I'm busy packing, or doing the 12:30am Wal-mart run for boxes (man some freaky-ass people go to Wally at midnight, eeek!).. or... I wakeup too goddamn early and can NOT fall back asleep.

3 or 4 hours total sleep for the night is NOT cutting it.

This morning I could scarcely drag my carcass in to work.

Once there, I literally fell asleep all day long. I woke up a milli-second thereafter like a million times, but still... it was crazy!

I was typing out a contract and I'd type half the work and the 4th letter like a thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii and then snap back awake. CRAZINESS!

I even tried drinking a SODA to stay awake (which I never do)....

Then, the clincher came this evening, as I was preparing to leave.

I was walking down the hall, taking my still half-full soda can to the kitchen garbage in the back, when I yawned.

The instant my eyes closed mid-yawn, I fell asleep AS I WAS WALKING DOWN THE HALL and dropped the soda can, which banged on the tile and startled me awake.


I looked down at it stupidly for a second as I realized what happened.

Then I came home, passed out, and now I wokeup again, still dog tired.

I'm going to try to go back to bed... I am so sleepy, still.

Thank God I took tomorrow off to finish all my packing....... Then, Saturday I move.

Sunday I cleanup my old apartment.

Then, maybe Sunday night I will sleep... IN MY NEW HOME............................

It sure would be nice to have someone to sleep WITH........

I miss that thing where you're mostly still asleep, but you stir a little and he readjusts in his sleep to cuddle you just a bit closer and it's so natural and comfortable, and safe, and sweet.............

I wouldn't wakeup then. Or roam my apt. aimlessly, too sleepy to do anything, too insomniacally challenged to actually be in bed sleeping. I'd be comfortable, comforted, even.....



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