Longtime readers remember I did a very fun interview on Chimichanga Talk with Deadpool Speaks and The Great Wang. Well, Deadpool Speaks approached me a while ago about doing a commentary piece to run on the show every once in a while.
So, while playing Rock Band, the screen mentioned using multiple mics, all you needed was a Logitech USB mic. Wondering if that was what I had, I fired up Kagome, plugged in the mic, and started Audacity.
It worked.
So I recorded a commentary piece and submitted it.
They love it, and have incorporated it into the show.
I'm hoping to hit twice a month, but we'll see how this goes. In the meantime, my first piece, about the race bending of Wally West in the DCnu, is up now. There's also an interview with my new label mate, Gary ODD Edmund, talking about his comic work at CCP.
Check it out here.