Aug 14, 2012 21:22
Holy crap, how do I get myself into these situations?!?
It wasn't all gloom and doom at Wizard World Chicago. Joe Robinson Currie introduced me to a guy with a comic anthology magazine. I showed him Sound Waves, Toob Raider, Head Above Water, and Stress Puppy.
He wants to see something from me to run in the mag.
He mentioned that, while most of the stuff skews older, he would love to see something his daughter could enjoy in there.
I told him I'd start working on it.
Contributions can be from 1 to 5 pages each. It comes out quarterly, so were talking a page or two a month to hit deadline, which should be doable both with the overtime and once the overtime is done and I'm back to working on my projects.
So now I'm sorting through my stuff to see what could work and what won't. I know I'll find something, it's just a question of what can be retooled for such short bursts.
One thing's for sure -- I'll burn out before I rust out.
pure awesome,
welcome to the next level,
toob raider,
this ought to be interesting,
sound waves,
things that make you go hmm,
head above water,
stress puppy,
comic books