Feb 21, 2010 01:51
The second School of Magic available to people in the 'Daughter of Gryphons' world.
Runecasting is less common than Alchemy, but far more common than Spiritbinding. It is mostly found in the larger cities, where the resources for their Runes and the mana to power them are easier to acquire at a reasonable price. There is a decent amount of crossover between Runecasting and Alchemy, as Alchemy is a reliable supplier of the mana a Runecaster needs - some particularly industrious Runecasters even dabble in Alchemy in order to become their own supplier.
The Second School of Magic deals with the inherent power of Runes and their ability to shape mana into powerful magical 'spells'. A Rune can be as simple as a drawing on a piece of paper, but most Runecasters prefer to have their most frequently used Runes carved from wood or stone or shaped from metal to give them fast, permanent access to their abilities.
Runes are more powerful than Alchemy, but they can also be a lot more unpredictable. While a single Rune covers all aspects of a concept - the Rune for Fire, for example, covers everything from a tiny spark to a massive inferno - the results using it can bring vary greatly depending on the amount of mana used and the willpower of the user. Runecasting is highly regulated for this reason - a Runecaster with poor willpower can be a terrible danger.
Backfiring Runes have different effects depending on the Rune in use, but the results are invariably bad for the Runecaster and often pretty unpleasant for those around them too.
(This is the School of Magic that Brom (?) believes he holds more talent in, and he has a small but potent collection of metal runes.)
daughter of gryphons