Damn...has it really been 5 months?

Oct 30, 2010 20:41

Or is it 4? No, 3. Wait no...almost 4. Ok, Im sticking with 4.

Whats everyone up to?

I wish I had something awesome to post about. Andy and I have finally made things official. It's one of those "Wow, this has been in the works now for 8 years, bout got damn time" sort of things. I like him, he likes me. Plus, he's ridiculously funny. I couldn't be happier :)

I ended up going through with my plan to pass out pro-choice pamphlets with a vegan chili recipe included at Kerrville's stupid fucking Pro Life Chili Supper event. They served chili with meat in it...at a pro life event. I was just...man. Words can't even describe. The pamphlets were in good taste, and instead of attacking the same old issue about conception, my fight revolves SOLELY around a woman's right to chose. Screw anyone who tries to take that away from me or any of my other sisters. Personally for myself, I'm pro life, but it's a deeply personal choice, and it shouldn't matter what anyone else thinks. Let people be, for Christs' sake.

Anyway, fellow LJ'ers,..let's hear it. Hows tricks? And treats? Hehe
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