fandomverse's big bang challenge. Parts 13 - 15 out of 15. Following the prompt of "family", "habit" and "favorite moment".
The modern family of Modern Family attempts to take a family portrait. It is awesome. Picspam.
Right so, I shipped these two since like, episode two of How I Met Your Mother. I still do. But it seems they have the most classic brOTP moments when they are bonding over Robin Sparkles' music career. This episode, and this moment that I spammed brings up one of my most self realizing habit, the canon ship of Barney and Robin. Picspam.
My most favorite moment, in all of fandom. Difficult as can be to realize just the one, when I realized it was actually easier than you'd think. See, I have this habit of shipping things. I also have a habit of making flaily hands all over the place when there is happy and kisses and such. So to answer your question, my absolute favorite moment in fandom, is and always will be, when my ships snog. :D Picspam.
30 Points + 25 Points for completing it all
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