Red's Your Color: A Fringe Alt-Universe Intro Credits Picspam

May 30, 2010 13:27

Hello again! As you have no doubt realized from the last picspam, I'm on the über-awesome teamtrek over at jjverse. I am also a full supporter of the other half of Team Frek, which DUH, means Fringe. And I love RED. As blueymcphluey knows so well. So really, this is dedicated to my fellow Trekkies as well as teamfringe. I heart you all.

- For the awesometastic teamtrek. Go join jjverse and ask for Team Solar Flare. Or Team Karl Urban. Or Team Vulcan Salute. Or Team Fine. Look, this is what you gotta know. If you join, you wanna be on a team that gives out gold stars, and runs with the big boys.
- I colored the caps myself, so if you want an icon out of a cap (or anything else), let me know, and I'll gladly make it for you.
- join or watch sinequaicon

goodie: picspam, maker: xmaidelx, tv: fringe

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