Out of my favorite Battlestar Galactica characters, she's number 10. Won't you join me for countown picspams?
this picspam is dedicated to vero, yes, you vero. because of your crazy love for ellen.
Because, as William Adama said it, Cylon or not, she's trouble.
And yes, she is entertaining.
Because she did it for Saul, and she'd do it all again. Because she'd frak anybody, do anything for Saul Mother-Frakkin' Tigh.
And we knew it was true.
Because she could use a drink.
And completely broke all our hearts.
Because she knew it would be ok, they'd be reborn again.
And then we realized that her and Saul Mother-Frakkin' Tigh have a 2000 year love.
Because she makes Centurions gentlemen.
And styles her hair hella cool.
Because she pokes fun at Cavil, while calling him "John" and telling Boomer to think for herself.
And we laughed and dared to hope.
Because she will tell you to "Hug It Out, Bitch".
And she totally made us covet her dress.
- Caps from
Frak That,
Galactica Station &
- Please do not take any of these caps and use them in your graphics. They seriously took a very long time. A very, very long time.
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- Made for
Seventh Challenge - "Characters".