So Meg and I rented the Aristocrats from QuickFixx and I have to say I fucking love it. It is amazing. Who thought a documentary about a joke would be something more than suck? Anyway, I have refined my list of my five favorite comics (all of which are in the movie by the way). Ok, so I never had a list of five favorite comics. Here we go.
1. Eddie Izzard
2. Bob Saget
3. George Carlin
4. Gilbert Gottfried
5. Sarah Silverman
It is incredible. I think I want to buy it. Later days, perhaps.
Ugh, now classes. So classes are classes. Whatever I guess. I'm banking on lots of B's which is actually pretty depressing to me. So what do we have left?
ENGL 121 -- Create 30 pages of journal entries by Monday. Edit & revise all my papers. Make portfolio.
SPGN 251 -- Who the fuck knows?
LING 201 -- Final. Total toss up between A and B.
MUSC 107 -- Final. Could get an A still. Unlikely.
SOCL 105 -- Final. Need a 49/50 to get an A-. Eh.
Oh B-b-b-b-b-boy. :/
Lastly, I copied someone's idea but raped it and then made it my own. I sort of really hate it tho. Give me a week and I'll delete this entry, you'll see. I just can't stand it just sitting in my document folder any longer as the point of it was to post.
I am
Trapped in a block of ice
Fire is licking my face
I scream jet propulsion
And get falling apples
Crushing radio waves
Through white-black holes becomes
Panic purified from some
Deserted rainforest
A poor sense of direction fizzes
Until my eyes burn when
Even Atlas can't hold me up
I am
Satire in a green glass bottle
Wit and charm make
My bread and butter
Those who can’t be beautiful
Teach the beautiful
In every organic sentence slips
Another polished hidden message
Record my tired voice backwards
Backmasked versions are gentler
Life secrets are played forward
And steel hooks are already tearing
Into your glossy anemic heart
I am
Stone from melted sand
Leaning and laughing
My eyes' lines and doors
To my heart-shaped brain
Chewing on my guitar strings
And my jaw snaps a rhythm
I'm huge in Lilliput
They've tried to topple me
But topple is too silly of a word
For anyone to make such progress
I am
Friends with siren shaped children
Haunting houses scathed
Grinding tendons with words
In love letter-bombs
Listening to the nail on the board
And killing themselves
Embezzled ideas for the blind
Earth is fucked
I'm interested in saving the people
I am
Not breaking sound laws
For suicide or heroism
I’m filmed on water
As stagnant as the sun
Each bit of light that
Reaches it’s wire destination
Trumps plain chance
My sour crystal neurons
Tried to sign away their existence
Sold to a weighted destiny
They're pissed, they tell me
I am
Silvery pupils staring north
I am a planet of happy
Dizzier and more obnoxious
Than a 4 year old Socrates
Amatuer ska on a comfortable day
Throwing checkered shoelaces
The twist-off, poke-through, bend-crack
Tighten muscles and endorphins
Glowing under bigger words than I knew
I was state-of-the-art filtration
Saying words until they weren't words
Wondering where rhyme ended
And heartbeats began
I am
Floating belly up in 90 degree blue rivers
Coughing up oil spills from bark
Singed by light and slinking left
Counterattacking with excuses
Disappearing into shadow
Letting speed limits tell my tales
Research defines me
I craft with silly putty my biography
World champion of men
The stories I tell myself
I am
Intrigued possibility
With a lemon-lime twist
A roulette potluck slot machine
I perch my own eyebrows on shaking branches
When I cast iron for you
The shell is unabashed glee
Containing diehard acceptance
I fight to protect
I fight to keep
A belt and bag reward
My teeth break concrete and
My legs turn stoplight-red
When I can’t make right
But the chipped porcelain and
Bloody knees are welcomed
I am
A morpheme pandemic
Under stringy satin curtains
Speckled and spotted by
The stars that I breathe
Under each magnification
My voice seizes the day and
I see nativity slink down after
A hard day’s daydream
Narrow-minded breath punctuated by
Burnt throat spasms colors me
Claws slipping on perspired balsa wood
I live under blankets and sticks
My acceptance is a member’s only jacket
It’s all quite exclusive
I am
Moonwalking on the ceiling
In a hailstorm falling up
Tripping on raceways doesn’t scare me
Driving papier-mache fists through
Painted tar was second nature
Chemical seesaws are refined with
The copper taste that mimics life
Nobody mourns for the year that has passed
The roof of my mouth has been fly paper and
Dry choking was once scholarly
I am
Jello-based and fearful
I avoid glass walkways and
Only eat dead things
I live safely
I vomit where I eat and
Trust in Hallmark cards
I live dangerously
Smirks tell anthologies and frowns listen
I sleep with bricks in pillows
I swordfight with plastic rings
My nose is cleared with oxymoronic vapors that
Break the vapid seal on my eyes
I hold a feather in each hand
An outline is sunburnt on my oily palm
I'll fall back
And glide to the ground
Call me alive