Clinton vs Obama (is short sighted)

Mar 03, 2008 10:19

How the Democratic Party manages to be so indefatiguably frustrating is beyond me. It's like PETA. They're in the right, it shouldn't be possible to muck things up this badly.

But so here we are again, after failing to act for 8 years, and what are we doing? We're focusing on the Obama and Clinton race. We have finally reached an apex where there is an almost universal dislike of the current administration, where it seemed a Dem was sure to win, so we put forth two highly polarizing candidates. The Cons counter with McCain, the Santa Claus of our time and their only shot. Even I feel as though I know McCain better than these other two. Faced with drowning odds again (a seemingly impossible scenario) we turn to focus on who we like better.

It doesn't matter! You fools. Everyone is better. We've established this. But if we don't want to continue with the puppetry and we don't want to go into Iran we ought to maybe focus on who might win, as opposed to who we like minusculy better. It's not important who you like better. You voted for the last guy too. It matters who they like better. I don't care how nice and upright and not-linked-to-Monsanto Obama is. If he's going to lose us everything South of the Mason-Dix then he's not worth anything, and that's all that you should care about.

mccain, obama, clinton

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