
Nov 21, 2007 10:19

My life is moving at a jaunty pace. I might say, almost too quickly sometimes. I wish I could savor my time at the Smith, instead of pushing forward to grad school. Still I an constantly in positive motion and ever the happier for it. I have begun to worry for my friends though many would balk at the concern. Certain people have already launched into grad school or careers and these people are set, even if they're in the wrong place right now.
No, the people I'm concerned about are those that have sort of launched, into plodding jobs or haven't taken off at all. The most concerning part is. that many of them are the type that most would have bet money would be out on their feet by now. My qualms aren't with their decisions or ability to perform so much. I know they'll do fine at whatever they try their hand at in the long run. My problem is that this reticence that leads to the feet of clay syndrome and even living back at home will assure that so very many opportunities pass you by. It's a hard lesson to have to learn - that you just can't put things on hold. But as my older friends and Pip will tell anyone, you're only a spring chicken for so long. Early grads get a lot of investment. Everyone wants to help the young and up-and-coming. But a few years out and you're lost. There really is a timer on this thing.

I don't know. My head is fuzzy and throbbing slightly but when I think of even my friends who dropped out of college and went back, they're the worse for ruin. They can pick it up and explain it away in some cases. No one will even give you a chance to explain your indecision. It seems to be the way of things.

It will be a pretty poor Thanksgiving but it will be nice to be at home and have Pip here. I'm very glad he came.
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