Jan 07, 2010 02:31
I just slept for a few days straight due to contracting H1N1, probably from the Philly airport in which I stayed overnight due to neither airline taking responsibility for the delayed flight that caused me to miss my connection. Luckily I met a stranger online who stayed up all night himself to talk to me since I had only the food I bought from machines in the staff lounge and the singing janitor to keep me company (we sang Prince, Sting and Billy Joel). I am inching in towards quals and leaving for Mali in less than a month. I am not ready for any of it. I also seem to be surrounded by depictions of work-lives and home-lives that have never resembled my own - people with time to sit around and do crafts, browse things online, have work hobbies? Ha. Chem, OChem, GChem, Phys, Circ, Clim, Articles. We'll see how this goes.