
Aug 20, 2011 17:44



Player Name: Soup
Age: 23
Timezone: PST / GMT - 7
Personal Journal: epicsoup
Contact Information:
Instant Messenger: epicsoup (AIM); epicsoup(at)live(dot)com (MSN)
Email: failerer(at)gmail(dot)com
Plurk: epicsoup
Current Characters: N/A.


Name: Ritsuka Aoyagi
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Fandom: Loveless (manga)
Timeline: Chapter 49 (or the middle of volume 7), in which Ritsuka meets Nisei and finds out he is Beloved's Sentouki (Fighter). By this time, Ritsuka has learned about his brother's sadistic ways, but has yet to know for sure if it he still alive or not.
History: Wikipedia or Wikia

Character Personality:

At first glance, Ritsuka Aoyagi appears to be that quiet kid you find in the back of every class: always set apart from everyone else, demeanor serious. At times his stare is piercing; at others it's completely blank. It's only in front of adults that he slaps on the bright smile and optimistic attitude associated with kids his age-a "goody-goody" façade. Anyone who witnesses these two different personas is bound to find it strange; it's almost as if this kid were two completely different people. And that's actually pretty close.

Before the age of ten, Ritsuka was a normal kid, popular within his class. He had many friends and was happy with life and school. According to his third and fourth grade evaluations, he was average when it came to his studies and was struggling with math.

Yet, you see a dramatic shift by the time sixth grade hits. Ritsuka deliberately avoids the other students, pushing those who try to become his friends away. He's the loner rather than the popular kid. And instead of being happy with life, he appears resigned to it, exhausted emotionally and physically by it. He grades are excellent though he has no enthusiasm for his studies. He regularly goes to the public library after school instead of hanging out with kids his age. Often, he's seen reading books far out of his age group, such as those by Nietzsche. Ritsuka is also the best at math in his class. In one instance, he's the only one to score 100% on the math test. When praised, he brushes it off by explaining that math problems only have one answer. Quite a change for someone who was struggling with double digits before.

This personality change comes from a severe case of amnesia, in which he forgot the Ritsuka that existed from age one to ten. His memories now only encompass events that happened after that timeframe. His amnesia is sore subject for him. He's extremely conscious of how different he is from the old Ritsuka. When Yuiko Hawatari, a classmate and later friend, makes an innocent comment about it seeming as though he has a split personality, it shakes him to the core and he lashes out at her. "Don't say that…!" he yells, face contorted, before running off.

It's clear this memory loss deeply affects his views on life and his relationship with those around him, especially his mother. His mother, who suffers her own share of mental problems, routinely abuses him physically and emotionally. Her main reason for this abuse is: because of this memory loss, he is sick and not the "real" Ritsuka-she believes he's not her son. And Ritsuka believes her because of how much he loves her. He thinks he deserves all of the abuse thrown his way as he's essentially committing a crime by not being her Ritsuka. He feels he is making her suffer by being the way he is now, though he wishes internally for her to like him as he is.

He also has the idea that the "real" Ritsuka will eventually come back and he will disappear. This has caused him to take on a pessimistic view of life. It's boring, he thinks, and he wonders if it will end soon. At one point, he says, "Listen… Just… I can't do this anymore. Can't be with anyone anymore. I'm just exhausted. Doesn't matter whether I'm laughing or crying, there's no difference. I can't be happy. 'Tired' is all that's left." He doesn't think he has a future. When his friends talk about future aspirations, he's unable to answer because he has none. Why bother coming up with them when you know they won't be realized? He thinks he is okay with disappearing, so his mother can finally be happy. The truth is, however, he really isn't. Ritsuka wants something to belong to him, but as everything seems to belong to the "real" Ritsuka, he concludes he has nothing. He wants to have a reason for existing, but he doesn't know how to find it. This causes him to be lonely and restless. But as time goes on, he realizes he wants to be with the friends he's made.

Ritsuka is desperately scared of disappearing. This belief is the key to his interest in making memories via photography. It is implied that he carries his camera with him everywhere. He takes on a more childlike enthusiasm when it comes to making memories, surprising all his friends and Soubi. In fact, they are probably unnerved by it at first. Nevertheless, there is a wall in his room full of photos, "memories." On their first meeting alone, Ritsuka took over fifty pictures of him and Soubi. He holds a firm belief that if he isn't preserved on these glossy pages, people will eventually forget about him. These pictures prove his existence, that he was there in the short time the "real" Ritsuka wasn't.

Ritsuka pushes people away because he's afraid to let anyone near. They might hurt him like his mother's abuse hurts him. Or hurt him like his brother's death hurts him. Thus in school, he makes an effort to be cold and aloof. He tells Yuiko it's a real pain to have to hold a conversation with her. He puts on a front for teachers, so they won't pry into his business. He's done this for so long it has come to the point where he has trouble with social interactions. (This is often noted by his teachers.) People who show an interest in him puts him on edge, making him wary of their intentions. With the exception of Seimei (or so he thinks), everyone seems to want something from him. He fears his inability to live up to their expectations will disappoint all parties involved.

His bluntness helps to ward off people. It is often biting, though not all of it is deliberate. This also makes him quick to judge. When he first meets Yuiko, he thinks she looks stupid. Immediately afterward, he pointblank tells her he hates stupid women and makes her cry. When they finally become friends, he tells her she has to become smarter from that day on if they're to remain friends. Ritsuka is always open about stating his opinions. If someone doesn't have their symbolic ears, he notices right away and labels them an "adult." Even in the side story where he and Soubi switch places, the 20-year-old him still calls 12-year-old earless Soubi an "adult." He differentiates between mature adult things and juvenile kiddy things. For example, he says the elementary library doesn't have books worth mentioning, so he prefers the public one.

Ritsuka's Name may be LOVELESS, but it seems he is very capable of love. When he comes to care for someone, he cares with his whole heart. All in all, Ritsuka is infinitely a kind person. He doesn't like seeing people get bullied and hates this society where people are either the bullied or the bullies. He has stated people like that make his head hurt-and probably his heart. Though he is blunt about Yuiko's ignorance, he also encourages her time and time again. When his mother stabs him with a fork, he still goes to school to keep a promise he made with her. Even when he is in a spell battle, he worries about the Sacrifice in the other team, especially the female ones.

This aspect of him points out another trait you see developing: that Ritsuka is also as chivalrous as he is kind. He brushes off the abuse he faces and the parental neglect by saying there are others in far worse situations than his. He firmly states he will never raise his hand against another human being, never resort to violence (the way his mother has done to him). It just hurts everyone involved. He believes it is worse to hurt someone's heart than to hurt them physically.

Ritsuka doesn't like it when things are decided for him. He likes to make his own decisions; he wants to find his own truths. He is very persistent and determined. When Soubi asks if he can handle pain in a spell battle, he answers: "Sure I can. I always do." He never wants to hear someone say they can't do something; he hates giving up. He will struggle on until he reaches his goals.

Ritsuka has a very complex relationship with Soubi. It's very ambiguous whether or not he is in love with Soubi, though he does show signs of jealousy (with Kio, for example). If he doesn't love him, then at the very least, he cares for him deeply. His heart wants to trust Soubi, but his mind knows Soubi has lied to him more than once. Yet he doesn't understand why he cries when Soubi calls his name with affection. He wants to see Soubi and he doesn't want to see him. When Soubi isn't there, he constantly checks his phone for messages from him. While Ritsuka dislikes being touched intimately by anyone, he is so used to Soubi touching him that he doesn't seem to notice it anymore. Ritsuka never cries when his mother abuses him, but he has shed tears over Soubi. He hates ordering Soubi around, but he knows Soubi will not listen to him otherwise. It hurts him that they have to go by this master and slave relationship. Overall, Soubi is very important to Ritsuka.

Another important figure in Ritsuka's life is his older brother Seimei. The name "Seimei" is a trigger word for him. Anyone who mentions knowing Seimei triggers a change of attitude from Ritsuka. He is more eager, childlike, and welcoming, especially if they mention they are a friend of Seimei's. Ritsuka acts cautious and defensive around Soubi until he mentions knowing Seimei. The same goes for when he meets Kio face to face for the first time. He loves his brother dearly, but at the same time, Ritsuka has learned the Seimei he knows does not exist for anyone but him. Ritsuka knows him as kindly and protective, his safe haven from his mother's fists and words.

Knowing the truth about Seimei's sadistic side scares him and makes him feel betrayed, but he still feels the pressing need to find Seimei's murderers: the Seven Moons. Regardless of everything, he still loves him. This provides his motivation for living, leading him on a path to learn more about himself. He holds a determination to find out the truth, not just merely answers.

Lastly, let's not forget Ritsuka's age. He carries a lot on his plate, so he acts mature beyond his years, but Ritsuka also has a childish side. He has a quick temper. There are many instances where he explodes at Soubi in a fit of embarrassment. He usually says things he doesn't mean and dwells on regret in the aftermath. He likes to eat easy to chew foods because chewing makes him tired. He doesn't like sour foods and prefer something sweet instead. He's fond of fast food like every other kid his age. His ears and tail react in tune with his emotions. When he is scared or trouble, they press to his head. When he is shocked or angry, they stand alert. Even when he tries to hide his feelings, his ears and tail will often betray him.

Character Abilities:

Ritsuka is very intelligent for his age. For example, he's seen reading Nietzsche, seemingly unfazed by the complicated philosophy. He states the things you don't know are the worst; that he'd rather know than remain in the dark. His intelligence also manifests in how he strategizes in battles or in games. He decides a thief is a good choice of character because of its speed, used especially for emergency escape from battles in games. Another example is his battle with the second pair of ZERO. He notes the Sacrifice's weakness (that she is no longer immune to feeling pain) and uses it against her to win the spell battle.

He is also able to endure a lot of pain. His mother abuses him constantly, but he still walks around like nothing is wrong. It seems his endurance is, at most times, fueled by his determination.

Ritsuka is relatively strong despite his thin frame. In his anger, he was able to throw a desk across the room, even with his injured hand. This show of strength could stem from his anger, rather than any physical prowess, but it is something to note.

His Sacrifice skills include being able to sense the presence of other Sacrifices and Sentouki. He is still fairly new to this, so this skill is most apparent when the enemy is relatively strong and in close range. An estimated range would be less than 25-30 feet perhaps. Admittedly, this is not very helpful as the enemy could just be outside the door.

He can also now see the links (sometimes translated as chains) that connected Sacrifices and Sentouki. The links start at the soul of one (vaguely where the heart is) and end at the soul of the other. He can see his own link, but he doesn't know where it leads as he has yet to meet LOVELESS' true Sentouki.

Character Weaknesses:

Despite how mature Ritsuka appears most of the time, he is still very much a child at heart. He is easily hurt when he's lied to or betrayed. All the times Soubi has lied to him (whether on purpose or not) has hurt him deeply. Ritsuka is easily influenced by what people tell him. Though he does use this information to discover the truth himself, his roads are ultimately paved by the words of others. As such, this causes him a lot of inner turmoil. Careless words and actions can hurt him, maybe even scar him.

It is not known how he came to lose his memories, but there has been flashes of him subconsciously-or maybe even consciously-choosing to ignore the signs of Seimei's violence. It scares Ritsuka that he might have known all along what kind of man his brother truly is, what he is capable of. If he had in fact been pushing these memories to the back of his head, he will probably react in the same manner to other traumatic experiences.

Ritsuka is very clumsy with his hands. He is a terrible artist and does poorly in arts and craft. Wielding a mêlée weapon will likely be very difficult for him.

Lastly, as a Sacrifice, Ritsuka is very inexperienced. He doesn't fully understand how spell battles work, or the full meaning of being a Sacrifice. He has to rely on Soubi and the others to teach him. Often, this puts his team at a disadvantage in every battle. Having different Names (Ritsuka is LOVELESS and Soubi fights under BELOVED) cuts their team's power in half. But when Ritsuka cannot battle properly as a Sacrifice, the team's power is reduced to a fourth of what an average team should have.


What are the abilities that your character will retain in Soul Campaign?

• His intelligence.
• His endurance of pain.
He's pretty much just a normal boy otherwise.

What are the weaknesses that your character will lose or gain in Soul Campaign?

There is nothing supernatural/abnormal about his weaknesses, so he would retain all of them.

Keeping the game’s premise in mind, please give us a brief explanation of your plans for your character in Soul Campaign.

The relationship between Ritsuka and Seimei is something I'm very interested in, and it was only recently that Yun Kouga has divulged more information about it. It would make for excellent character development and plotting if Seimei-mun and I could play this out on our own. Furthermore, I'd like to see how Ritsuka would react to a real war, rather than the pseudo one Seimei is having with the Seven Moons. He's a pacifist, but he has also shown that he can fight. He has not, however, encountered real death (Seimei's fake murder notwithstanding) or people fighting for their lives. I want to challenge myself to figure out how he would handle this type of situation. It would be a big plus if Ritsuka could find ways to value himself while he is doing this.


Why your character should be a Meister:

Ritsuka was born to be a Sacrifice, which is the Loveless equivalent of being a Meister in the Meister-Weapon partnership. Sacrifices decide how the battle goes by giving attack commands to their Sentouki. They also take in the damage dealt by the other team, whether in the form of wounds, chains, or full-body bondage. When a Sacrifice is unable to withstand any more attacks, or when they are completely subdued (such is the case with the full-body bondage), their team loses and the fight is over.

Ritsuka has shown that his endurance of pain is quite high, though this is most likely a result of his determination to not only match his brother in strength, but also to do his part to help Soubi fight. He has been stabbed by his mother in the hand with a fork, and yet he still shows up to school to keep a promise to a friend.

Besides that, he is also a pacifist, having lived through daily abuse from his mother for as long as he can remember (which is two years). While he has stated he would never raise his hand against another human being because of that, he is also a natural defender of the weak. Whenever Yuiko gets picked on his class, he stands up to defend her. He has also jumped in front of other Sacrifice-Sentouki teams to protect them from harm. Ritsuka will fight to protect what he believes in for all that he would rather not harm anyone. As a Weapon, he wouldn't be able to choose how he is used, or how the fight goes, but as a Meister he has those options.

Meister Ability:

Soul Summon - When either partner in the Sacrifice-Sentouki team calls through their linked souls, the other will hear them and come. (Usually. Seimei being the only apparent exception. He chooses not to answer his Sentouki's calls.) By chapter 49, Ritsuka has managed to call his Sentouki to him for the first time through their link. He still can't, however, see Soubi's link because they have different Names and therefore don't share the same soul. BREATHLESS comments that the day Ritsuka finally sees Soubi's link to him is the day when they will both completely understand each other.

In Soul Campaign: Soul Summon will allow him to summon his partner (provided it is cleared by other Mun) to his side no matter where they are.


Soul Description:

Determined, kind, scared, uncertain, innocent, blunt.

Soul Appearance:

Ritsuka's Soul. His ears are a big part of him-and a noted feature. They emphasize his emotions. Light purple for the color of his eyes, but also symbolically purple is associated with bruises.


First Person:

[The video feed clicks on, zoomed in on someone's pale jacket. It's a jacket fitting of this person's small frame, its edges lined with faux fur. Then a pale hand appears clutching a rather simple-looking cell phone.]

I… don't really understand any of this. [The voice is husky and young, tone hesitant. It sounds like that of a boy's. He continues, his words slow and carefully formed.] Why did you bring me here? Whoever you are, what do you want from me?

[The soft rustle of fabric; he's shifting with uncertainty. It appears he hasn't realized he's not at the proper distance or angle for the feed to capture his face.

More shifting. Then a slight noise of frustration, tinged with confusion and… fear?]

… Why me?

[His knuckles are white with how hard he's grasping the cell, metal and plastic edges digging into his skin. Suddenly, he flips it open. There's a sense that the boy is now staring down at the phone, as if checking for something; his chin peaks at the top edge of the screen.]

You said you'd always answer… [He trails off, seemingly lost in thought. He bows his head a little more and lips come into view. He opens his mouth, then closes it, lips twisting at the corners into bitter smile. After a moment, he mouths something. A name perhaps.]


[A shuddering breath. The feed cuts off.]

Third Person:

"My name is BELOVED," he says. "I am the Sentouki of Aoyagi Seimei."

These words are jarring, and for a moment, Ritsuka can't breathe. The shock swallows him in the form of a cloak of darkness; he can't tell if it's from the ongoing battle between BREATHLESS and BELOVED, or if it's being caused by his own mind. Unable to concentrate on the battle, all he can hear are the echoes of his own thoughts.

Seimei. BELOVED.


Someone has- he can't finish the thought, but he knows how it ends. (Someone has lied to me.)

And deep down, the sound of a glass heart cracking. Glass because it can't possibly be made of flesh and blood. After all, he isn't the real Ritsuka. Ritsuka's heart isn't his to claim, and all of this heartbreak isn't Ritsuka's to bear.

So caught up in his own pain, he doesn't notice BREATHLESS is in trouble until almost too late. It's not exactly a welcome distraction, trading in one horrible situation-one horrible truth for another. His mental fight or this physical fight. He can only deal with one. And he can self-depreciatingly admit it's not the first one.

"Stop it!" he cries, voice fierce. He steps in front of the young pair, blocking them from BELOVED's attack. "Don't touch them!"

Pushing pain aside for strength; fear for determination. This is something he can do. Then, for the first time, Ritsuka calls out for him through their bond, willing fiercely for his call to be answered. He knows-he knows he can't do this alone, knows he needs someone (Soubi) by his side.


I need you.

And he also knows the other will come. Call me, he'd said, and I'll answer. Always, he'd said. Always. But that's stupid because he shouldn't trust him and yet he does, he does.

Nisei (because that's what he is now, this man who shares Seimei's Name) murmurs his spell, calling on the night to wash over them. Inky blots of night sky, streaks of black paint race towards them. And then-something else. Suddenly, there is too much black-black and real and all too terrifying to be simply a spell. And twice, he loses his breath.

It's like nothing he's ever experienced before. It's a depredation of all he's known, all his feelings, his truths, his senses. Eyes shut tight, he wonders wildly if this is what it felt like the first time-the first time he lost his memories. Or maybe, maybe not his memories. But he's losing something. It hurts in a way that's deeper than physical or emotional pain there is and he can't even tell what it is he's losing.

Soubi? he calls as he falls. Seimei?

It's a violent rush of everything and then the cold splash of absolutely nothing. Abruptly, he finds he can breathe again, but he's not sure if he wants to open his eyes just yet. Because he's sure-he's sure he'll just open his eyes to a nightmare.

And he's right.

Dark, cold, and alien. And alone. So, so alone. He shakes his head as if he will somehow wake up if he does it hard or long enough. Ears and tail alert, twitching every so often. He also knows this isn't an illusion. It's not a result of the spell battle. This is real. This echo of loneliness is real. He calls again. And again. And again. But they don't (won't?) answer.

Is this what it's like to disappear, he wonders, frozen in place. It's as if he's being held down by all of the doubt and fears he's ever had. He's not ready for this. He thought he was; he thought it was all right to just disappear, but he's not ready and it's not all right. He's scared, so damn scared. They will forget him; Mom will forget him-Soubi, Yuiko, everyone. No, no, no, he's not ready to be forgotten. He wants to claw at face, his skin to make sure it's all there. To feel pain. To somehow affirm his existence.

Nothing is mine. I don't have anything, so please don't take this away, too. Let me stay by them even if-even if they aren't mine. Please… I…

Let me just exist.

In the end, all he can do is close his eyes and wish. Wish on hope, wish on him.


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