May 22, 2009 23:08
It's very hot again today. We ended up going to a movie, as the movie theater has air conditioning. (No, we didn't see Star Trek again. Pout.) We saw Un Baiser, S'il Vous Plaît, being billed in English as Shall We Kiss?. Um. Apparently the word isn't as obscene as my French teachers assured me, as it was all over the movie. (Maybe only the verb is obscene? I dunno.) The translation was a little weird and did not translate a lot of words, so it's a good thing I could follow it. Mostly. Also the first three-quarters of it were the most charming movie on adultery that I have ever seen. Then it got depressing. I expected to hate it and ended up liking it a lot.
Also today, I read the Star Trek novelization. It wasn't very good. I always forget how weird I think Alan Dean Foster's style is. I know that the movie novelizations typically add in extra material, but most of the added lines in this were just stupid or didn't add anything interesting. Like, Nero announces that his name is "Oren" with lots of stupid diacritics that he says humans can't pronounce, so you should just say it backwards. WTF. (To be fair, I can't find the diacritic he's using on r in the IPA -- r with tail, like the retroflex r, but the tail flipped the other way. So maybe he's right. Incidentally, the IPA page on Wikimedia Commons has "THIS IS SO USELESS" written next to the voiceless pharyngeal.)
And then I watched "The Man Trap," which was totally awesome. I forget how much I actually enjoy watching TOS, sometimes.
Oh well. Also, as you can tell, I found myself writing Nero/Ayel for the Trek kink meme. It probably wasn't that good, but I posted it anyway.
books: science fiction,
languages: french,
fandom: star trek,
linguistics: phonetics