I was thinking the other day that I might like to start MUSHing again. Sadly, Elrood/ROM is no more, which is a shame. Granted, I don't think anyone did much besides hang out in their rooms and make snarky hilarious comments on the channels. (I am told there was an exodus to
ATS, which seems relatively promising if not for the fact that I wouldn't have the faintest clue what to play, and they seem to have an awful lot of, well, mandatory coded stuff to learn. Also, probably less hilarious. I am considering. Because then at least there'd be people I knew to play with.)
It seems like a lot of the other old gigantic MUSHes are gone, although, creepily, their webpages from 1995 are still around. Like, TinyTIM? Probably not up anymore. But its site is. LambdaMOO is apparently still around, but teeny. My usual standby for RP MUSHes (I've had, what, three characters over the years?) is
PernMUSH, which is (a) down temporarily and (b) probably mostly dead these days even when it's not down. Which is a shame, because one of these days I'd like to have a character Impress. (Ha. Never gonna happen.) I guess the sort of thing I'd probably want to start to go back to (because man do I not remember anything) is like the old Living Fiction MUSH, now defunct. It was a really low-key social MUSH where you could hang out and pretty much mess around building stuff to your heart's content and there were a bunch of smaller themed-RP areas as well. I liked it. But it doesn't exist any more. Hmph.
But I guess everyone's on Second Life or WoW or whatever. Though I guess I shouldn't be surprised that the current most popular MUSH is
Shangrila, which usually has 500 (!) characters connected. The theme: BDSM. Oh, boy, all TS all the time. Thanks, but no thanks. But I guess that's where all the MUSHers are.