Jul 23, 2008 23:01
Cherry pitter: best unitasking kitchen tool, y/y?
(Okay, okay, they also pit olives. But who wants those when you could have cherries?)
I have just received a $12 cherry pitter. It is much more awesome than my previous cherry pitter (acquired circa 1989), as this one is dishwasher-safe and with rubberized grip and has a handy splatter guard so you don't spray cherry innards everywhere.
I very much enjoy cherries but I resent eating any food where I am required to spit out a pit. Hence, my rediscovered love of the cherry pitter. Mmm, yummy yummy cherries.
Also, I would like to say I am very proud of my subject line. Unfortunately my love only likes Maraschino cherries, and was not that impressed with these. Bah.