Today is a day of crafts around our household. Whee.
lysimache has decided to get into scrapbooking, which apparently involves printing 300 digital photos at CVS, buying large amounts of paper and scissors that cut funny shapes, and developing a sudden concern for whether things are "acid-free." It looks reasonably fun, but I would never do it, as I am very bad at any activity involving scissors.
As I was also spending much time in craft stores today, I have rekindled my love of origami, which I would really like to get good at. Today I folded a box with lid and interior divider; yesterday I folded a tulip. I'm pretty proud of the tulip. Speaking of which, I have decided that my new ambition in life is to fold prettypretty origami flowers. To that end, I purchased
Origami Flowers, a book full of models for absolutely gorgeous flowers that I will never in my entire life be able to make. But it's good to have goals. I also compromised and bought
this book, which, sadly, is much more at my skill level. But still, yay flowers.
Oh! I should probably mention that I'm going to be in the Bay Area for a week starting Thursday, should anyone who still lives there wish to see me.