For lack of anything else to do last night, we spent, like, three hours watching some AKC show. Happily, they showed Greta's breed (
American Eskimo Dog), albeit briefly, in the non-sporting group. What was weird though was that they had a bunch of breeds I'd never heard of, and in compensation they apparently dropped many of the breeds I expected to see.
For example, they had no Golden Retrievers, which are the most popular AKC breed. Weird omission, no? Instead, they had a
Nova Scotia Duck-Tolling Retriever, which is my new favorite dog breed name. Apparently they lure ducks to hunters by retrieving sticks very showily and enthusiastically so that ducks will come see what's up and be shot. I want one. Of course, then people would be like "Oh, what dog is that?" and you'd be all "It's a Nova Scotia Duck-Tolling Retriever" and they'd be all "a what?" and you'd just have to give up and pretend it's a miniature Golden.
Speaking of weird dog names, one dog's name was Dreidel; her official name was We Made Her Out Of Clay. This was almost as good as the dog whose name was Is That Your Final Answer. I don't understand official dog names, I really don't.
My very favorite dog breed I'd never heard of before, though, is the
Puli. Isn't it cute? It's like a happy little mop. Mop! I knew about the
Komondor, but these are smaller and cuter, even if the Komondorok look like big happy sheep-like mops. Apparently in Hungary they like dogs that look like mops, 'cause both those breeds are from there. Mopdogs. Aww, they are teh cute.