I found my box of blank checks. It was in a plastic box of stuff under my bed. Also in the box: a starter box set of the Babylon 5 CCG (Centauri vs. Narn), a couple decks of the Illuminati: New World Order CCG, a bunch of floppy disks that I apparently used in the computer class I took my senior year of high school, my 12th grade ID card, notecards for the half-hour presentation of my senior exhibition, blank audiotapes, an uneaten mint Aero bar (yes, eww), a huge flashlight, a Netscape mousepd, a pair of Vulcan ears, a Star Trek pin, a little touristy booklet that I got in Assisi, and a perfectly nice fancy bar of soap with a picture of a moon and a star on it.
If there's an organizational theme to that, I don't know what it is. Probably "things I put in a box at the end of 12th grade." But yay for geeky card games. I have a lot of those sitting around. The other day I found my Magic card collection, my Star Trek: TNG card game collection (which I had completely forgotten ever owning), and a deck of Wyvern cards. I think that game was about dragons.
Lots of unfortunate things happening this week, huh? A tsunami, and now Jerry Orbach is dead? I am saddened. Also, my condolences to