I watched the first five minutes of CKR's appearance on The Dead Zone, and decided that it looked really really horrible and I didn't want to watch him being nasty violent rapist scum.
Why why why does he always play characters who are either assholes or who die at the end of the movie/show?
Of what I have seen:
Purple Toast (1993): Not really an asshole, actually, and as far as I could tell, not dead either. However, I wanted to hunt down and destroy every single copy of the "score." As the score was the worst movie score I have ever heard in my entire life, it makes it hard to watch the rest of the movie.
Frank's Cock (1993): Not an asshole, not dead. Really really cute. However, this is ten minutes long.
Double Happiness (1994): Not an asshole, not dead. His character was all sweet and geeky and I liked him, but he really didn't have a large role.
Timecop (1994): Evil character. Was only onscreen a few minutes, but shot a bunch of Confederate soldiers with rayguns.
X-Files: "Lazarus" (1994): Dead. Gets killed by the main bad guy after about two minutes onscreen.
Still (1994): What I saw of it had about ten seconds of CKR, with no lines from him, so I can't really pass judgment, other than to mention that this was really freaking weird.
Curtis's Charm (1995): Not evil, not dead. Well, not *him* dead, anyway. Really fun buddy movie.
Forever Knight: "Outside the Lines" (1995). Bad guy. Pushes person off building, lies, goes to jail at end.
X-Files: "Fresh Bones" (1995): Neither evil nor dead, but not that much screen time at all.
Letters from Home (1996): Not dead, not an asshole, but this is ten minutes long.
Hard Core Logo (1996): Much as I love the movie and wouldn't change a thing about it, Billy Tallent's still kind of an asshole.
For Those Who Hunt the Wounded Down (1996): Dead. Big dramatic death scene. Made me cry.
Masterminds (1997): Evil. More or less. Working for the bad guys, didn't really help the good guys out any. Didn't see that much of him in it anyway.
Viper: "Wheelman" (1997): Evil. Was the main bad guy.
Due South (1997-98): So not evil. So not dead. I [heart] RayK. Am wishing CKR would play more like him.
Men with Guns (1997). Debatably evil. He was one of the people running around with guns, but he wasn't evil so much as stoned out of his mind. Shot himself in the head, so definitely dead.
Tricks (1997): Neither evil nor dead, but the movie sucked and he had awful shirts.
Twitch City (1998): I've only seen S1, but from what I have seen Newbie wasn't a bad guy, nor did he die.
Last Night (1998): Really nice character, but, um, they all died.
Da Vinci's Inquest (1998): Neither evil nor dead, at least in the two episodes I saw.
eXistenZ (1999): In the game-world, he tried to kill the main characters and was killed himself.
The Last Stop (2000): Was killed about halfway through.
Memento (2000): Bad guy. drug dealer. Tried to kill the main character a couple times, not that the main character remembers that.
Trapped (2001): They certainly tried to make all the other characters think he was an asshole. They hit him and everybody cheered.
Slap Shot 2: Complete scum. I couldn't stand him at all. Total sleaze. I don't think we were supposed to hate him. I think he was probably supposed to be amusing comic relief. Hated him anyway.
Dark Angel: "Exposure" (2002): Not dead, proves to be a good guy at the end, but still, a minor character.
Mutant X: "Ex Marks the Spot" (2002): Not dead. Mostly sort of not evil. I think he starts out with the bad guys and on Shalimar's bad side, but ends up with the good guys.
I think that's all I've seen.