Boldly going to the movie theater...

Aug 05, 2019 17:01

If you have a movie theater near you that has those Fathom Events showings -- where they will show various classic movies for one or two nights, as a special event -- you will be excited to know that they will be showing Star Trek: The Motion Picture on September 15 and 18, for its 40th anniversary.

I just bought myself tickets for the September 15 showing, and I am very excited. I know, objectively, that TMP is not the best of the original Trek movies but I am hoping that it will look awesome on the big screen because, man, think of all of those glorious shots of the Enterprise swooshing by! Kirk and Spock holding hands in sickbay! Also secretly I am hoping that if there is enough interest that means they will eventually do the rest because I would love to see... well, basically every other original Trek movie in the theater too. (I was going to say "but not Star Trek V" but, as I was explaining this to my wife, before I could say that part, my wife announced WHAT DOES GOD NEED WITH A STARSHIP so I guess she's down for Star Trek V.)

(The first Trek movie I saw in the theater was Generations, because that was pretty much about when I first came to Trek fandom. I'm not really in a hurry to see it again.)

Anyway! If TMP is a movie that you want to see in theaters, you should know that now you can go see it! Well, next month, anyway.

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