Dear Yuletide Author,
Hi! Thanks for writing for me! I hope you have an excellent Yuletide experience. If you have a story that calls to you in any of these fandoms, by all means, write it -- I want you to write something you are excited about writing rather than follow my prompts to the letter. Also I am easy and I like a whole lot of different things. I want this to be a low-stress Yuletide for you.
I'm requesting Star Trek, three fairly different Marvel comics, and... a science-fiction web series about football. Yeah.
Finding me on the internet: I have
Tumblr, and
AO3. I have done Yuletide for a few years now and have a bunch of old letters (
2009, and
2008) if you wish to peruse them.
The Guardians of the Galaxy request is a repeat, including the prompt; everything else is new. (This is why it is longer; I do not love the others less, or anything.)
Also I am listing myself in Femslash Festivus on the basis of the GotG and ST requests. Since we are asked to list if we are cool with porn for that challenge, let me just say that please, please feel to porn it up if f/f porn is your thing, and if you are so moved to write Phyla-Vell/Heather Douglas xeno (as in, porn where Moondragon is still a dragon), I really want that and I am absolutely not kidding when I say that. (Not that I am expecting to get that, but I figure I might as well keep asking.) Michael/Philippa are perfectly fine as humans all the time, but if you want to turn them into anything else I'm not gonna stop you; I mean, it is Star Trek. Could be fun.
Also I'm not sure there is a request post for it this year, but I do like interactive fiction, both parser-based (e.g., Inform/TADS) and hypertext-based (e.g., Twine). I suppose this would probably fit best with 17776 but feel free to surprise me.
As for general likes/dislikes, I have copied this mostly from last year:
Likes: I like snark. I like worldbuilding. I like cultural details, cultural differences, and basically the kind of thing where two people coming from different places have to work through their rough spots. I like competence. I like languages, linguistics, wordplay, and translation. UST and pining. AUs, especially canon divergence. Characters who are loyal to each other, who know each other well, and who will always have each other's backs. The whole superhero found-family team dynamic thing.
I seem to have good success saying it, so I'll mention this again this year: I like tropes. I like tropes a lot. If it's not on my DNW list, I will adore it. Loyalty kink, multiverse fic, identity porn (my ESPECIAL FAVE for superheroes), huddling for warmth, hurt/comfort, aliens make them do it, wingfic, xeno, time travel, truth or dare, soulbonds and/or telepathy, amnesia fic, tentacles, D/s AUs, sex pollen, truth serum, presumed dead, everyone secretly thinks we're dating and/or we must pretend to be dating, characters interact with the media, characters interact with fandom, epistolary fic... and so on. If none of my prompts ping you, honestly, just take a trope and write a trope-tastic story and I will be overjoyed. (Obviously some of these only apply in requests where I would like pairing fic.)
I would prefer a story with some kind of positive/hopeful ending; it doesn't need to be 100% fluff, and it can be about sad things (I mean, I know I'm requesting some canonically-dead characters here; I expect there could be some grief), but I just don't want unremitting grimdarkness.
Porn is welcome (although not required) for the GotG, Iceman, and Star Trek requests. In GotG and Iceman, I would be so happy if you managed to incorporate superhero powers somehow into a sex scene (telepathy, temperature play, et cetera). Superhero costume kink is great too (or, hey, Starfleet uniform kink). I am definitely up for fic of any level of explicitness. I do like kinkfic. All parts of the BDSM acronym are fine by me, special fondness for power dynamics, bondage, pain and impact play. Vanilla is also fine.
General DNWs: A/B/O. Mundane modern no-powers AUs. Pregnancy fic. Kidfic other than canonical children. Maiming/graphic torture, especially eye injuries. Non-con. Underage sex. Permanent non-canonical character death. Infidelity. Incest. Animal harm/death. Non-consensual humiliation/embarrassment.
Porn DNWs: scat, watersports, vore, vomit, stuffing/inflation, oviposition, ageplay, piercing play.
17776: What Football Will Look Like in the Future - Jon Bois
Juice, Nine, Ten
Request: Honestly I just want more of the probes interacting with each other -- and possibly also with Earth, but mostly each other. I really just like their banter. So, really, anything you want to give me will be fine. Pick your favorite bit of pop culture or obscure sports trivia (or, really, obscure anything trivia) and the probes can talk about it! They can talk to whoever on Earth you want! Or maybe one of them could actually find something cool in space. Also if you would like to do some kind of sequel with what happens after Nine wakes up again, that would be great. You can add more probes if you want. I'm sure there are some out there. Also I am kind of curious about what nations not obsessed with football think of the football thing, so if you want to make the probes talk to other countries, that could be fun.
The canon: This is my Tiny Fandom request for the year, I suppose.
17776 is a multi-part web... story... thing with text and video. It should take you an hour or two to read/watch. It is weird and I love it. You do not need to know anything about American football but it would help if you liked space exploration.
More details: I think the request basically sums it up. YAY PROBES. GO PROBES.
Guardians of the Galaxy (Comics)
Heather Douglas, Phyla-Vell
Request: I would like all the fic about telepathic space dragon girlfriends, please and thank you. Porn or romance or exciting space adventures (or all of the above!) are equally welcome! You could tell me more about the early days of their relationship! You could give me an outtake from one of their adventures together, with the Guardians or separately! You could tell me more about when Moondragon was an actual dragon! You could resurrect Phyla-Vell! I enjoy fic involving telepathy, and if you want to go there, I seriously would enjoy more intimate fic in which Moondragon is still a dragon.
The canon: Marvel Unlimited has most of Cosmic Marvel and as far as I know MU has everything with them together in it; that was how I was reading it. Though apparently Phyla-Vell and Moondragon started getting together in issues of Captain Marvel that I haven't actually read (v4 #25), you'll find them in modern Cosmic Marvel (
here is a reading list). They appear together in a bit of Annihilation, a whole lot of Annihilation: Conquest (the Quasar miniseries is pretty much just about them; it is probably my favorite), and they were members of the v2 Guardians of the Galaxy. Currently Phyla-Vell is dead, but seeing as how Moondragon was dead before, this is not something I see as an insurmountable problem for their relationship.
More details: I am copying this from previous years because I'm just going to keep requesting this because I love them.
Okay, so I read all of modern Cosmic Marvel before I went to see the Guardians of the Galaxy movie, and this pretty much resulted in me discovering Phyla-Vell and Moondragon and then shrieking OMG TELEPATHIC SPACE DRAGON GIRLFRIENDS WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME THIS WAS CANON at my internet friends for a week because, seriously, everything I have ever wanted in a pairing is right here, in terms of Things I Like. (
This is me squeeing about them on Tumblr.)
Basically, uh, they're in love and they're awesome superheroes and they save the universe and did I mention the telepathy and the dragon thing and it's like someone made a pairing with all of my kinks just for me.
As for what they can do in fic... well, I have some ideas in the prompt, but basically, you know, I just want to see them together and happy. You can set something now and resurrect Phyla (yes, please resurrect Phyla), or tell me about some point when they were both alive and human. Or human and draconic! (Not kidding, I swear. I will totally read that. I'm not saying it has to be explicit. I'm just curious about how they can actually work things out when one of them is a dragon; the "how do we even do this?" is one of my favorite things about xeno. Telepathy, maybe? I like telepathy a lot.) Look, I'm really into the dragon thing. I know that. But if you're not into that, you really don't have to go there. They can just cuddle! In a scaly manner! Or as people! I'm perfectly happy with fic about them as people! (But, yes, I like dragon xeno and I'm not kidding.)
Or they can go on awesome space adventures and punch Galactus in the face or something. Those are always good times. Speaking generally, I also always enjoy plotlines where the Guardians go back to Earth to fight whatever cosmic forces are threatening the Earth this month (hey, remember how Moondragon used to be an Avenger?) or when Earth-based heroes go visit them.
Honestly, just give me a fic where they are both alive and happy and together and I will be happy.
Update as of current canon: the new Quasar (Avril Kincaid -- funnily enough, ALSO a lesbian) is dead as of the end of Secret Empire, so seeing as there's a Quasar vacancy, if you wanted to bring Phyla-Vell back and give her the bands again that would be especially fun.
Iceman (2017 Comics)
Bobby Drake
Request: I just want Bobby Drake to be happy. I am enjoying how the comic is dealing with his coming-out issues and him attempting to balance that with being a superhero, so more of that would be welcome. I love seeing him be a competent superhero; I like when he's a scary-powerful omega-level mutant and you don't forget it.
I also enjoy his friendship with all his teammates (current and former) and I did enjoy his antagonism with Daken (although I am not requesting Daken as this is not a must-have) but if you want to write more of that I would be there for it. Gen fic and pairing fic are both great. If you want to make Bobby happy by hooking him up with someone (porn is fine by me) I would be up for that, choice of male characters at your discretion -- he can go for a superhuman (I see Daken and Johnny Storm in the tagset) or the cute guy from the last issue, whichever. I would prefer a focus on adult Bobby rather than his teenage self.
The canon: Iceman is a current ongoing comics series about Bobby Drake (the original one, not the teenage one from the past); as I write this, issue #6 has just come out. There won't be a trade out until after Yuletide, but all issues are on Amazon/comiXology/Marvel.
More details: Okay, when I was first getting into slash on the internet, Bobby Drake was basically the first character I ever slashed (with Gambit, if you must know; also Beast but last I checked he was kind of evil now?). Twenty years later, Bobby's canonically gay and I am very pleased.
I think my request basically covers the high points. I like the current series' focus on Bobby's long-standing friendships (especially Kitty and Warren; I know they weren't nominated but if you want to bring in any of his old friends, you are welcome to) and trying to deal with coming out and with being an experienced superhero at the same time. I don't know if the people who put Daken and Johnny Storm in the tagset are looking for slash or friendship or what, but, hey, if that was you and you want to write about Bobby with either of them for me (in either a slash or friendship way), please go for it. (Porn is welcome.) Also if it was background Daken/Johnny (it only just occurred to me that this was apparently canon) that you wanted, please do it. Bobby and Johnny comparing their Daken experiences could be fun.
I am requesting only Bobby but I feel like his happiness is probably going to involve other people, so feel free to bring in whoever you want to make that happen. His parents, his fellow superhero friends, a boyfriend, hatesex with Daken, whatever. Go for it.
You can bring in whatever your favorite superhero tropes are: fighting your favorite villains, malfunctioning powers (ooh, that could be really fun), time-travel, the multiverse, everybody partying down with the Shi'ar Empire (shh, I just like the Shi'ar). Also I implore you to consider Chris Claremont style bondage and/or mind control (honestly, you can never go wrong with Chris Claremont's narrative kinks; yes, I know he didn't write much Bobby but now is your chance). Trope it up! I am not as conversant with earlier X-Men canon as I should be (it's been a while since I've read X-books other than Bobby's), but if you are, feel free to write me the canon-compliant name-dropping fic of your dreams, because I absolutely love that kind of thing and will go read all the relevant comics if necessary.
Star Trek: Discovery
Michael Burnham, Philippa Georgiou
Request: Okay, yes, I am one of the people who watched the pilot episode and started shipping it and then was devastated. I do ship them but gen is great too. There are a lot of options here -- anything flashback in the seven years before the pilot is an obvious contender. Loyalty, trust (perhaps a slow and rocky road to loyalty and trust), all that good stuff. If you're slashing them, how they get together (or if they don't; I am fine with there being a lot of one-sided pining). It could be time for some good old-fashioned Star Trek sex pollen.
For non-flashback stories: You could show me how Michael is coping (or not) now. You could find a way to bring Philippa back in a fix-it (assuming canon doesn't go there).
The tie-in novel shows Philippa as having an amazing reputation within Starfleet -- even Captain Pike (these are his Enterprise days, of course) is intimidated by her, and it might be fun to play around with that. How does she (or Michael) feel about her reputation?
Also, I am into anything involving Vulcan culture, and I would also be interested in knowing how Michael's upbringing is involved in or affects their relationship (either in a slash or gen way).
The canon: Discovery is currently airing weekly; in the US it's on the CBS All Access pay streaming site, and in other countries it's on Netflix. As I write this, three episodes have aired, and Philippa Georgiou appears only in the first two. There is also a tie-in novel (Desperate Hours) set during the seven-year timespan in which Michael and Philippa serve together on the Shenzhou, but I haven't quite finished reading it yet. It does deal with Michael's promotion to XO but I am totally cool with that just being ignored if you want to write your own version of how this happened. Because I could read a million takes on that.
More details: As is probably evident, I am a fan of the wider Star Trek universe. If you are too and there are various elements you want to work in, please, please go for it. Also it doesn't matter to me if whatever you write gets Jossed. I just want to know more about Michael and Philippa's relationship, wherever you want to go with that -- prequels or missing scenes or resurrections or just Michael grieving (although I would like something that at least has an open/hopeful ending and isn't unrelenting misery), that's great. (If you want to slash them, which I encourage, porn is absolutely fine with me. Here is a suggestion: SEX POLLEN. It's a Star Trek tradition! Truth serum is good too. So many tropes!)
The Unstoppable Wasp
Nadia Pym, Janet Van Dyne
Request: The thing I enjoyed most about this series was watching Jan Van Dyne suddenly have a teenager and learn to deal. I especially enjoyed the Jan POV of the last few issues as she basically comes to terms with having Nadia in her life now. I like how Jan is an established competent superhero, unfazed by anything, an Avenger of at least a decade's standing -- as well as a fashion designer -- and now, suddenly, she finds herself responsible for Nadia and has to come to terms with this whole new set of responsibilities. She's been Avengers chair more times than I can count, in charge of so many people... and now she has to figure out this. I want to know what that's like.
Nadia interacting with the adults around her (in canon, this is Jan, Bobbi, Matt, and Jarvis) was also great and I enjoyed her relentless optimism even in the face of extreme danger, as well as watching her adapt to the non-Red Room world. Maybe Jan could help her more with that. I like her meeting science-y superheroes and fangirling them; she could do some more of that. If there are any Marvel scientists (especially women) whom you would like Nadia to meet, please bring them in!
Anything post-series that you want to write would be welcome, especially from Jan's point of view, incorporating other grown-up Avengers if you so desire (although I would prefer if you did not bring Hank back, please). How do Jan and Nadia's lives continue on together? How does Jan deal with being a superhero and having a teenage daughter? How do their other teammates feel about their lives? Can everyone just come hang out at Nadia and Jan's place for a bit? Domestic Avengers nostalgia is very welcome.
The canon: The Unstoppable Wasp is a recently-cancelled comic series that ran for eight issues. It concerns Nadia Pym (the new Wasp), who is Hank Pym's long-lost teenage daughter with his first wife. It also has Jan Van Dyne (the original Wasp, also later married to Hank) as a major guest-star, who ends up adopting Nadia at the end. Only the first half is currently available in trade, but all issues are on Amazon/comiXology/Marvel.
More details: I know kidfic is on my DNWs, but that's for everyone except Nadia, because, man, I love Nadia. She's so CHEERFUL and she LOVES SCIENCE and she's so excited to meet Bobbi Morse and (over in the main Avengers book) even Victor Von Doom because THEY DO SCIENCE. But I love Jan so very much too (she is one of my favorite Avengers and as far as I am concerned it is a crime that she has never had a solo series as far as I know), and my most favorite thing about this series were the final issues, written from Jan's point of view, all about her evaluating her life and thinking over her past and making room for Nadia in her life and, okay, I may have gotten all sniffly when Nadia took her name. So I would really very much like more in the same vein as canon about Jan dealing with suddenly having a kid now, and that kid being an Avenger, and maybe that kid being Hank's kid. (I would prefer not to have Hank come back, though, please. I mean, it's cool if you mention Hank, because obviously he's meaningful to both of them, I just... would prefer not to get a Hank/Jan story.)
Anyway! If you want to bring in other adult Avengers to have Nadia and Jan interact with, I would very much enjoy that. I nominated Bobbi and you can use her if you like; I thought it was sweet how much Nadia admired her. To give you an idea of the other characters I enjoy, I liked the Jarvis relationship in this series (and I adored Nadia's nickname for Matt). I would have nominated Carol (who does not technically appear on-page as far as I know, which was why I did not nominate her, but who we learn used to room with Jan at the mansion and who apparently glows in the dark).
I always, always like Jan's relationships with the other founding Avengers (currently, that would be Steve, Tony, and Thor, although due to current canon shenanigans none of them except maybe Thor are really especially available, but, hey, if Jan wants to bond with AI Tony (or possibly real Tony if you pretend and/or assume this is before CWII) about mentoring teenage science-prodigy superheroes I am all for it; I know I cannot specifically request it, but a Jan & Nadia with Tony & Riri fic would be very, very sweet if that is something you can/want to write. I would enjoy it immensely.)
Or you can just keep it to Jan and Nadia if you want! I just... really like seeing Jan, who is already a responsible and competent superhero, learn how to do this totally new parenting thing with Nadia and maybe help her figure out how to be a superhero and/or an ordinary teenager, possibly with the help of Jan's friends.
Happy Yuletide!
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