Dear Yuletide Author,
Hi! I'm really glad you're writing me a story!
Basically, I am a very easy-to-please recipient! I like a whole lot of things, and above all I want you to write a story you want to write. So if you have an idea in mind, just go for it. I'm sure I'll like it!
If you want to follow me around the internet, I have a
Tumblr, and
AO3. I have done Yuletide for a few years now and have a bunch of old letters (
2009, and
2008) if you wish to peruse them.
Here's my kinks/squicks list, basically copied from last year:
Things I like in fiction: For Yuletide I would like a story that is at least hopeful or optimistic somehow (basically no grimdark, non-con, or rocks fall everyone dies). I like snark. I like worldbuilding. I like cultural details, cultural differences, and basically the kind of thing where two people coming from different places have to work through their rough spots. I like competence. I like languages, linguistics, and translation. UST. Canon divergence AUs. Characters who are loyal to each other. Telepathy. Magic. At this point I usually add "dragons and spaceships" but I think most of my canons already have that covered. So, you know, you could add more.
I am comfortable with receiving fic at any level of explicitness you are willing to write, and I am also happy to receive kinkfic -- all parts of the BDSM acronym are fine by me. (Only a couple of my requests really lend themselves to pairing fic, though.)
Tropes! I really love tropes. I have had great success mentioning this, so I will reiterate: I love pretty much every tropey trope you can name (except, uh, pregnancy fic, kidfic, and A/B/O, sorry) and I would really appreciate them being shoved anywhere you can possibly think to shove them. Phyla and Heather (or Carol and Jess) have a soulbond! Squirrel Girl explores the multiverse! Time travel! Truth serum! Wingfic! Truth or dare! That kind of thing. (For the superheroes, identity porn is one of my favorite things.) I really mean it. I adore tropefic.
(And yes, I am really 100% serious about the dragon xeno thing.)
Also if you want to cross over Requests 1, 2, or 3 with each other, I absolutely would enjoy that. Just saying.
Things I would prefer not to receive: My two big squicks are graphic eye injury and non-consensual humiliation/embarrassment. Other than that, I think you can safely assume that the kinds of things you wouldn't write someone unless you knew they wanted it apply here: no dubcon/noncon, permanent major character death, underage, graphic torture. Please no infidelity fic (residual Skrull angst is fine for #3 though) and please no no-powers/mundane AUs for the superheroes.
Request #1 is entirely copied from last year because I'm going to keep asking until I get Telepathic Space Dragon Girlfriends fic. Doesn't have to be this year, but it's worth a shot, right?
1. Guardians of the Galaxy (comics) (Phyla-Vell, Heather Douglas)
Prompt: I would like all the fic about telepathic space dragon girlfriends, please and thank you. Porn or romance or exciting space adventures (or all of the above!) are equally welcome! You could tell me more about the early days of their relationship! You could give me an outtake from one of their adventures together, with the Guardians or separately! You could tell me more about when Moondragon was an actual dragon! You could resurrect Phyla-Vell! I'm sure that would make Moondragon happy. I enjoy fic involving telepathy, and if you want to go there, I seriously would enjoy more, um, intimate fic in which Moondragon is still a dragon.
The canon: Ah, comics. I assume if you offered this fandom you're prepared for this. (If you didn't offer this fandom but are feeling particularly daring, you can read modern Cosmic Marvel in about two weeks. Ask me how I know.) Marvel Unlimited has most of Cosmic Marvel and as far as I know MU has everything with them together in it; that was how I was reading it. Though apparently Phyla-Vell and Moondragon started getting together in issues of Captain Marvel that I haven't actually read (v4 #25), you'll find them in modern Cosmic Marvel (
here is a reading list). They appear together in a bit of Annihilation, a whole lot of Annihilation: Conquest (the Quasar miniseries is pretty much just about them), and they were members of the v2 Guardians of the Galaxy, which is why I nominated them here. Currently Phyla-Vell is dead, but seeing as how Moondragon was dead before, this is not something I see as an insurmountable problem for their relationship.
More details: Okay, so I read all of modern Cosmic Marvel before I went to see the Guardians of the Galaxy movie, and this pretty much resulted in me discovering Phyla-Vell and Moondragon and then shrieking OMG TELEPATHIC SPACE DRAGON GIRLFRIENDS WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME THIS WAS CANON at my internet friends for a week because, seriously, everything I have ever wanted in a pairing is right here, in terms of Things I Like. (
This is me squeeing about them on Tumblr.)
Basically, uh, they're in love and they're awesome superheroes and they save the universe and did I mention the telepathy and the dragon thing and it's like someone made a pairing with all of my kinks just for me.
As for what they can do in fic... well, I have some ideas in the prompt, but basically, you know, I just want to see them together and happy. You can set something now and resurrect Phyla (yes, please resurrect Phyla), or tell me about some point when they were both alive and human. Or human and draconic! (Not kidding, I swear. I will totally read that. I'm not saying it has to be explicit. I'm just curious about how they can actually work things out when one of them is a dragon; the "how do we even do this?" is one of my favorite things about xeno. Telepathy, maybe?) Look, I'm really into the dragon thing. I know that. But if you're not into that, you really don't have to go there. They can just cuddle! In a scaly manner! Or as humans! I'm perfectly happy with fic about them as humans!
Or they can go on awesome space adventures and punch Galactus in the face or something. Those are always good times. Speaking generally, I also always enjoy plotlines where the Guardians go back to Earth to fight whatever cosmic forces are threatening the Earth this month (hey, remember how Moondragon used to be an Avenger?) or when Earth-based heroes go... um, wait, this is probably getting into Things I Am Not Allowed To Request territory.
2. The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (Doreen Green)
Prompt: Just give me something that feels like canon. Maybe you could pick your favorite hilarious and/or overpowered Marvel villain and have them go at it (with trading card, please). Or give me a day in the life of Doreen Green. Write a fic entirely made up of her Twitter updates. Show me her and her friends/superhero buddies. Humor is good. (I also welcome wacky fourth-wall-breaking commentary in the style of the text on every page of the comic.)
The canon: This is actually a really good time to get into Squirrel Girl, and of my less-wacky requests, it's the easiest to pick up if the Sleep/Wake Animals aren't grabbing you. The current Squirrel Girl series just ran eight issues and is rebooting with the rest of All-New All-Different Marvel. All eight issues are out digitally (on comiXology and/or Marvel's storefront) and as single issues; the first collected trade is out and the second trade will be out at the beginning of December. You don't actually need to have read any of her other appearances. I mostly haven't! (This doesn't mean you should refrain from mentioning, say, the Great Lakes Avengers if you want.)
More details: I love Doreen and her battles and her friends (and the recap pages; man do I ever love her snarking with Tony Stark in the recap pages and stealing his suit to go to the moon; just reading more tweets would be awesome). I would be thrilled with Doreen versus your favorite C-list Marvel villain (or if C-list is too low, then I always like Doom, again and again; actually, wait, it looks like she's going up against Doom in canon right now). Think, like, weird Silver Age. Asbestos Lady! The Melter! That kind of thing. I would also be happy with a story where she doesn't punch people and just hangs out with people or just Tippy-Toe. Bring in absolutely anyone you want. Anything would be great. (I have to admit, though, that I'm not a big fan of Asgard. Sorry.)
3. Spider-Woman (Comic) (Carol Danvers, Jessica Drew)
Prompt: Most of all I would really love a story about these two with the kind of tropes that appear in superhero fanfiction generally: fighting the bad guys together! Bonding with awkward UST! Banter! Bonding over their new costumes! Negotiating the mismatch between Jess' new street-level work and Carol's cosmic work! Carol the science-fiction nerd! Tropey tropes like soulbonding or sex pollen or or truth serum or secret identity stuff! Residual angst about the various things that have happened to them! Just give me a story where they do something together. I would really, really adore femslash but gen is also great.
The canon: I didn't nominate this, but I can only assume that whoever did figured this was a good place to get 616 Carol/Jess fic, as this is the only recent book I can name where they appear together. This is, as the name suggests, Jess' solo title; Carol guest-stars in a few of the issues. There are nine issues of the current volume, there's probably a trade or two, and it's getting another post-Secret Wars reboot, the details of which I am not really looking forward to. (Please do NOT write me pregnant Jess. Or pregnant Carol. I'm okay with pretending Carol was never pregnant. I'm not sure that was actually retconned. I haven't actually read any of Carol's solo books. I have read Spider-Woman. Bring in as much or as little as you want from elsewhere, though.)
More details: What I would really like here is tropey superhero slash fic using the tropes and various characterization hooks that the 616 dude superheroes (not naming any names but I think you can guess if you look at my AO3 account) get. The same kind of thing, but with Carol/Jess. That's what I want. I want them to fight villains together and banter together or have one of them think the other one is dead or end up with sex pollen or a soulbond (I REALLY LIKE SOULBONDS, OKAY?) or have aliens make them do it. That kind of thing. Or angst about moments of their shared history because they both have had some messed-up lives. You know. Make them do superhero things. Things superheroes do.
4. Belsomra "Cats and Dogs" Commercial (Sleep Cat, Wake Dog)
Prompt: Tell me about this world where people have Sleep and Wake animals. Are there other animals? Are there Sleep Dogs and Wake Cats too? What is life like here? It doesn't have to be about the main character's pets specifically, but it can be if you want.
The canon: This is a TV commercial for a prescription sleep aid medication. You can watch it on YouTube
here; hopefully that link still works. It is ridiculous and weird and I love it.
More details: I think the prompt pretty much covers it. Go wild. Go weird. Have fun.
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