Would you like to read a 16th-century English/Latin phrasebook? The phrases are, um, mostly very strange. I think it is supposed to be for people who don't know Latin but yet somehow are intimately familiar with Latin textual abbreviations, of which there are a great number. Anyway, then you can learn the (occasionally hilariously incorrect or at least non-classical) Latin for such sentences as "If thou wrastle with me I shal laye the on thy back," "I am wery of my lyfe," "he is a cocolde," "thou spekest many words to me but nothynge to the porpose," "he is borne to drynke well both on the faders syde and moders syde" and of course "I am dyspoynted of an hors." I know I sure need to say that a lot.
A selection of the English side has been transcribed
here. The actual book is
here although the font will make you want to cry, and also the interface, while spiffy, is incredibly hard to use and you will accidentally zoom everything forever if you have a trackpad with two-finger scroll. Fair warning.
Anyway. It is fun. Lysimache showed it to me and then we read it all afternoon.
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