Yay, Sutcliff novels

Feb 15, 2014 22:51

Hooray, more Rosemary Sutcliff novels! I have no idea what is governing the seemingly random appearance of her novels as ebooks in the US, but Amazon is now selling (in addition to the random assortment it previously had) Simon, Flame-Coloured Taffeta, a preorder of Warrior Scarlet, The Chronicles of Robin Hood, and Blood Feud.

Oh, and my very favorite, Frontier Wolf. Everyone needs to go buy Frontier Wolf now. I am considering rebuying it just because this edition doesn't appear to be bolded all the way through like the previous ebook. And, besides, it is such an awesome book.

Now I don't even know what Sutcliff to read; I still haven't read anything that wasn't Dolphin Ring. So many choices!

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fandom: rosemary sutcliff, fandom: frontier wolf

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