Wednesday Reading Meme

Dec 18, 2013 16:11

What I Just Finished Reading

Nothing. Just doing the meme for posterity.

What I'm Reading Now

Um. Rereading bits of completely irrelevant things as research for my Yuletide story.

What I'm Reading Next

Yuletide is due on Sunday! And then I can read everything! Everything ever! Whee!

On the plus side, I think "The King's Demons" is my possibly my new favorite episode of Doctor Who, because ahahaha what. Seriously, it goes like this:

DOCTOR: We're visiting King John and he's being weird!
(At King John's court they play songs about how they have to go slaughter all the Saracens. The Master is disguised as a French noble. For some reason the Doctor and the Master have a weirdly-choreographed swordfight. At the end the Master reveals himself. No, fandom, not like that.)
MASTER: Muwahahaha! King John will never sign the Magna Carta now! He is under my control!
DOCTOR: Nooooooo.
TEGAN, hesitantly: Are you sure that the move toward parliamentary democracy wouldn't have happened anyway soon enough?
DOCTOR: No! The Master hates freedom and he knows how much I love the Magna Carta! I must stop him!
ME: What.
(Turlough gets tortured. Sort of.)
TURLOUGH: I'll tell you anything. Really. Whatever it is. I'm perfectly happy to stand here and talk at you.
(It is revealed that King John is SECRETLY A ROBOT.)
ME: What.
(The Doctor steals the robot.)

It's great, you guys.

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books, memes, memes: wednesday reading meme, fandom: doctor who

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