It is past midnight in my timezone! You know what that means! *clears throat*
They have called this day The Eleventh of March! And whom-so-ever of you gets through this day, unless you are shot in the head or somehow slain, you will stand at tiptoe when e'er you hear the name again, and you will get excited!...At the name March The Eleventh
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And happy 11th of March *bg*
(hey, Due South - I love Due South. Who/What's your favourite dS writer/fic?
My dS fandom knowledge is about ten years out of date, but I always liked Resonant a lot. I have never been able to explain why to myself, but her Broadway Hotel is probably still my very favorite dS story. (I enjoy RayK's undercover issues.)
I also have huge admiration and love for some of Speranza's fics, like Chicago's Most Wanted which I think holds its own with just about any humorous fiction I can bring to mind. I haven't read new fic in dS for ages, but have lots of old(ish) favourites; it seems to be a fandom that has attracted some amazingly high quality writing.
I have to confess that possibly due to timing I seem to have missed you in that fandom - did you write in it much? .... um, doyoumaybegotanylinkshandy? Pretty please? Because, you know, now that I know how you write .... *g*
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