Day 24 - That one awesome movie idea that still hasn’t been done yet
I know they have been done, but I think the world needs more really good SF movies that play by SF rules as opposed to being an excuse to blow stuff up in space with laser guns. Say, more movies like 2001. Or Moon. Moon was really really good.
You know, like an adaptation of Starship Troopers that actually doesn't suck. I would appreciate that. I also think something like parts of the Vorkosigan series would make a great movie, except in the hands of the wrong people, it would be all too easy for it to be a very very bad movie. So I don't know.
lysimache is trying to convince me to do NaNo this year. I am resisting. Also, yay, Sherlock is on PBS tonight.)
Day 01 -
The best movie you saw during the last yearDay 02 -
The most underrated movieDay 03 -
A movie that makes you really happyDay 04 -
A movie that makes you sadDay 05 -
Favorite love story in a movieDay 06 -
Favorite made for tv movieDay 07 -
The most surprising plot twist or endingDay 08 -
A movie that you’ve seen countless timesDay 09 -
A movie with the best soundtrackDay 10 -
Favorite classic movieDay 11 -
A movie that changed your opinion about somethingDay 12 -
A movie that you hateDay 13 -
A movie that is a guilty pleasureDay 14 -
A movie that no one would expect you to loveDay 15 -
A character who you can relate to the mostDay 16 -
A movie that you used to love but now hateDay 17 -
A movie that disappointed you the mostDay 18 -
A movie that you wish more people would’ve seenDay 19 -
Favorite movie based on a book/comic/etc.Day 20 -
Favorite movie from your favorite actor/actressDay 21 -
Favorite action movieDay 22 -
Favorite documentaryDay 23 -
Favorite animationDay 24 - That one awesome movie idea that still hasn’t been done yet
Day 25 - The most hilarious movie you’ve ever seen
Day 26 - A movie that you love but everyone else hates
Day 27 - A movie that you wish you had seen in theaters
Day 28 - Favorite movie from your favorite director
Day 29 - A movie from your childhood
Day 30 - Your favorite movie of all time
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