It is so hot, you guys. I am dying. Luckily it will cool down tomorrow. After which point we are possibly in for a hurricane, or at least hurricane-related rain. I find myself wishing for a nice snowstorm. You know, about a foot of nice fluffy snow. And you know the heat is bad, because "at least it's not snowing" is the standard reply to weather complaints. But perhaps we could have some kind of moderately temperate compromise. No? Sigh.
As regards LJ's latest Epic Fail: I know it was perfectly possible to be a flock-breaking asshole before by copying and pasting, but I do not appreciate that LJ has made it so convenient. I believe I have successfully disabled reposting on my journal using that bit of CSS wizardry going around. (Also if I thought you all were the sort of jerks who were going to repost locked content I wouldn't have given you access to it in the first place, so I don't think I need to issue ultimatums.) That having been said, I have many excellent Dreamwidth invite codes if anyone wants one. Or several.
I was reading
this review of the Sherlock DVD set (note to self: waaaaant a copy) and paused to snicker at the following line:
The setting has been shifted to present day London. As a result of this, some of the characters [sic] pasts have been altered to suit. Dr Watson, for example, is now a former military doctor, injured while serving in Afghanistan.
*facepalm* As opposed to the original stories, where he was... a former military doctor, injured while serving in Afghanistan. Yeah.
Here is my important question for you, O my friends:
(1) What color are Methos' eyes?
Google cannot seem to tell me definitively, and suggests hazel and blue. Which? (No, I don't know why I'm writing a Highlander story either! I am not even in this fandom!)
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