As many of you are no doubt aware, the weather is disgusting. Disgusting, I tell you. And it is supposed to be insanely hot for, as far as I can tell, forever. The heat warning says that tomorrow we should expect heat indices of 100-104. I am dripping, and the thermostat in here seems to think it's only 88.
I haven't been posting because I really haven't been doing much. I've been watching the Trek movies with
lysimache -- she hasn't seen them before, so it's fun. We just finished The Search for Spock, in which it is demonstrated that Kirk loves Spock more than he loves (a) the Enterprise or (b) his son, which when you put it like that begins to sound kind of creepy. But squee, K/S.
I have been writing pretty much nothing, sadly, and that includes for the Trek Big Bang. I have three hundred lousy words and am pondering dropping out. Every time I try to write I end up making dorky macros about the plot of my story, which I don't think counts as writing. Bleh. Help?
Well, I'm going to take shower #2 of the day now, I think.
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