I got a Yuletide Madness story, you guys! Squee!
In Pompeium. It is a Cambridge Latin Course/Doctor Who crossover! In Latin! It retells the plot of "The Fires of Pompeii," and, don't worry, it's comprehensible to anyone without Latin, thanks to the handy list of words and phrases. (This is in contrast to
Arca Salvii, which I will admit requires reading knowledge of Latin. Because no matter what
lysimache says, Latin is not just like English.)
But anyway! Squee! My Madness story is so so so so cute! It is like the fanfiction equivalent of one of those pictures of bunnies with pancakes on their heads! It is totally adoramable! Thank you! (And thank you to the people who wrote my regular Yuletide stories too, if I haven't thanked you enough yet. I love all of them.) And my recipients all seem to like their stories, so I am pleased.
I, um, haven't had time yet to actually read any Yuletide stories other than mine, due to houseguests and such, but I hope to be able to do so prior to reveal.
Also, I know people are complaining that both "Arca Salvii" and its translation are archive-locked. This is per the wishes of the original author. The story was not actually written for the lulz (no, really! it was seriously the story I deeply wanted for Christmas!), no matter how humorous you may find the idea of BDSM fanfiction in Latin or about the CLC, and the author fears that, if it is unlocked, it may be passed on to people not in fandom, who would not have the proper fannish context to understand the story; she doesn't want people to point and laugh, you know? The author just doesn't want it to be like the K/S "Closer" vid, where what was once a perfectly wonderful constructed-reality pon farr vid now gets YouTube comments like LOL OMG THEY'RE GAY!!11. You know what I mean, right? Right.
Anyway. Time for breakfast. Lunch. Whichever. Mmm, donuts.
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