May 22, 2006 19:52
After years of spying on other people's blogs I've finally decided to write one of my own.
Reasons why:
1. I'm tired of not being able to see private entries. So much goes on that people are unwilling to share to the general public; who would have thought.
2. My writing style lately has been staid, I sound like an old man in a wheelchair these days. Also I've never been good at writing from the hip, I've always been more of an edit first rather than a write in white heat, revise in cold passion kind of guy.
3. I have a perverse compulsion to confess deep dark secrets to anyone who will listen. Obviously this blog will really help in stemming that particular personality flaw.
4. My family bought me a new wireless keyboard for my birthday, this seems to be the best way to break it in.
As usual I'm late to the party, but honestly I had to work up the nerve to show up.