Jun 29, 2004 19:26

ok, on CNN the made it official for the title of book 6! yay! i can't wait until the book comes out! grrr! i wish there was some target day set on when book 6 will be comming out! ahhhh! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! i want it to come out NO! i'm not really good at waiting, but b/c i love J.K. Rowling, and Ron, and Harry, and Hermione, and Hagrid, and Lupin and Sirius (rest in peace), and Dumbledore, and Ginny, and of couse Fred and Gerorge, and Percy (bloody Git), and Fudge (bloody git times 2) and Seamus, and Parvitie, and Traylawing (old bat, always good for a laugh), and Flitwich, and McGonalgal, and and Neville, and Loony Luna Lovegood, and Dobby, and Draco (wait, he's evil...), and, and OH everyone else, way to many to name!--- so i shall wait until the end of the world for them... oh you know wut? once all 7 books are done, then wut will i do?! who will i wait for?! ahhh! grrr!


p.s. if you live in a cave, the title is Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
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