(no subject)

Feb 16, 2003 19:54

* n a m e: Rhiannon
* b-day: 4.3
* birthplace: a hospital
* home now: in Cuyahoga Falls
* height: 5' 10 er something
* siblings: Half Brother and Sister
* pets: beagel, 2 cats
* eye color: bluish/grey
* hair color: black
* best feature: eyes
* artistic?: no
* first crush: some kid in preschool but I can never remember his name
* boyfriend/girlfriend now: tenative
* crush: 4 letters
* color of your room: 2 electric pink walls, 2 stratch white walls, black ceiling, black window, black/white closet
* hobbies: music and smoking
* what were u doing 15 mins ago: eating potatoes
* what are u wearing now: gray hoodie, black skirt
* u smoke: yes
* u drink: no
* u shy or outgoing: shy
* havin fun this summer: damn this is a old survey
* what do you want from a partner?: understanding
* feature you notice first: eyes and moles
* looks/personality: both
* tan or fair: either
* like flirts?: NO
* would you ever date a friend: sure
* punk or prep: gross, neither
* same sex: no
* older/younger: older
* age difference limit: a few years
* smart/dumb: smart
* funny/serious: hmmm i guess funny

m o r e a b o u t m e :
*cuddle or make out: cuddle
*bunk or water bed: water bed

r e l a t i o n s :
* do u have a LIKER?: who knows if anyone is serious
* what is their name?: agasfsdfsadysg
* how long is ur longest relationship?: about 2 years
* what is ur favorite thing to do with that special sumone: talk
* what is the best present u've gotten from sumone?: his heart
* what one quality do u like best in the opposite sex: intellegence
* ever been in love?: yep, still am
* Best friend(s): who knows
* Friends that you look like: none
* Who you go to for advice the most: myself
* changed your life the most: drugs

f a v e s :
* color: black
* movie: to sir with love
* subject: i don't know.. theres alot I guess
* ocean or pool: hmm.. i don't like swimming in oceans but they're nicer to look at
* love or lust: love
* laugh or cry: laugh
* silver or gold: silver
* diamonds or pearls: diamonds
* sunset or sunrise: sunrise
* showers or baths: showers
* food: rice
* snack: strawberries
* current song: Belle & Sebastian - Get me Away from here
* magazine: The Face
* tv show: don't have one really..
* Disney character: hmm.. i don't have one of those either
* drink: cherry kool aid
* brand of sneaker: i don't wear sneakers
* activity: music
* fruit: strawberries
* juice: cranberry

d o y o u ...? :
* do you like school: yes
* do you like to talk on the phone: no
* do you have your own phone line: yes
* do you like to dance: yes just not in shitty bars

l a s t t i m e y o u ...
* showered: yesterday
* went runnin': shit.. i ran to my car last night since it was so fucking cold.
* worked out: shit.. months
* danced like a frickin idiot: probably this morning
* went to a movie: hmm.. a few months ago
* talked on the phone: yesterday
* wished u were sumbody else: not in a few years
* were depressed: always

r a n d o m :
* where would you love to travel to?: Greece, Italy and settle in England
* whats ur middle name?: Lee
* is ur hair color natural?: no
* do u have a cell phone?: yes
* whats ur online screen name: lickadonkeysasshole
* what do u want to do with your life?: be rich
* last time u went bowling: i dont remember
* are u any good at bowling: so so
* last time u went to the doctor: hmm last year
* do u have a credit card: yes
* do u consider urself a "nice" person: yes but I don't show it often
* last book: american pyscho
* brand shampoo: tyring out that new dove shit
* are u stressed out?: no
* do u believe in angels?: no
* what was or is ur first car?: escort
* what are u driving now?: maxima
* u help pay for it?: nope! LoL
* do u think ur spoiled?: yes
* do u like mustard?: no
* have u seen the exorcist?: yes
* how bout dumb & dumber? yes
* how bout donnie darko? yes, good movie
* ever been skydiving?: no
* number of piercings: just my ears now.
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