The following is a copy of a mail I have sent to a good friend i have long sense lost and regained track of.
hope you dont mind Nitsuj Eelneerg.
if you dont know of, practice, play, or believe in magic...well save your time and skip this post ;P
for those of you still reading, good on ya' and hopefully this does not confuse ya too much.
and i quote.
"ok man, so tell me what you think. this is going to take a sec.
sense we parted ways way back when i took alot of ideas about magic with me.
so, this is what i destroyed 4 people with today. im playing vintage, they play "new" decks and whine insessently about my cards...2 cards in my deck (dual lands) cost about half of theirs, so im like "whatever"
let me know what your playing with nowdays.
i was thinking we should have a little e-mail gaming fun. just make proxi decks or what not and take turns over e-mail, proxi so we dont have to let our playing decks sit out for the duration of a match.
so, anyhooo, i digress. i ended up completing that dreadnaught deck. it was so nasty...they(the dudes i was rending) looked it up and the eratta had that deck got written down and dismantled. seriously, it was brutal...any way thats for annother message.
I took our talks about colorless, naked singularity decks to heart...and continue to build on the core prinsipal of it, at least in the colorless sense. still dont know what happened to my single, singularity but im still iffy on the upkeep of that one anyway. so, im now playing a "semi" 5 color bruiser. and they cant stand that i use old shil like phasing.mwahahah, i just dont like the idea of changing the game every time a set comes out, it got rediculus back when we played, now its just sad...just one big corperate hoohaa.
oh yea and i dont know for sure now, the official eratta on mind twist, about it being banned...but it isnt anymore in legacy, and mind warp is only restricted....kinda wierd seeing teist is better, but i think i may use it more nowdays. same with recall... just an added thought(still the ball of chaos i allways was..."like a swarm ma' a swarm")
ill cut to the chace though now and organize my deck so you can see what im talking about on this end.
please feal free to point out better cards/costs/effects/ballance...etc, anything i may have forgotten
this link is so you can see the cards if your unfamilliar. the following is listed in combo "blocks" and such to illistrate uses.
(artists proof!!! from the collection of chris rush..its a story...)
This is what I'v settled on for now.
(See also Barbed sextant and Felwar Stone)
3 Urza's Tower
3Urza's Mine
3 Urzas Power Plant
6 Snow-Covered Island(14 blue spells)
1 Castle Sengir (to use for black and blue if i get screwed.)
1 Snow-Covered Swamp (5 black spell's.)
1 Bayou(For regrowth.)
1 Badlands(For Wheel of fortune and Manabarbs.)
1 Karakas (return karn ability...sole reason, used for "collorless" splash of white...hehe now its 5 color)
For the animate artifact combo i have these "sac artifact's". they are def as well and also to boost multicolor mana.
All of these id be willing to sac' to twiddle for the artifact stomper combo block below. all but the dynamos can easily be first turn.
1 Zuran Orb
2 Spellbook (see Braingeyser)(free to cast so maby adding more...)
1 Ivory Tower
1 Feldons Cane
3 Barbed Sextant (secondary mana engine)
1 Felwar Stone (secondary mana engine)
1 Sol Ring (secondary mana engine)
3 Thran Dynamo (secondary mana engine)
(Here is the true "meat" of the combo block)
1 Karn, Silver Golem
3 Urza's Armor (see Manabarbs)(want 4 simply for dmg. resist, otherwise id go with 1-2 so i dont have to pay for them as opposed to searching for it with Tinker)
1 Aladdin's Ring
4 Tinker
(Creature def)
2 Kjeldoran Dead
1 Rootwater Diver
1 Volraths curse
Reality Ripple (Multi Defense and works on new indestructable cards as well)
(Card draw)
2 Ransack
1 Diabolic Vision
1 Wheel of Fortune
1 Braingeyser(need more though i can do it over and over late game to devistating results[deck myself? no thanks])
1 Mind twist(need more of these too. they are cheep though...that and maby adding lobotomy)
1 Demonic Tutor
1 Regrowth
2 Recall
1 Manabarbs (Because i can with Urzas Armor, and it is an effective deterant to those pesky land taping opponents ;-p )
All in all its about a $250 deck, but it could be made with less expensive edition cards and such.
A couple things im considdering...
1 NAME...seriously though, got any suggestions on this one i may like?
1-3 more Felwar Stone
4 Mindslaver!
2-4 protect, and to controll.
More rootwater divers, if grave pulling does not prove sufficient.
Changing back from Urza's lands now that iv found a good way to pull artifacts. (that and there not as usefull sense iv added the "bruiser effect" to this deck and took out a lot of artifacts that were defeating my early game and slowing down my tinker...
replacing some older artifacts with newer better "indestructable ones...
Questions: (been a while man.)
Do you have anything nearly as awe-inspiring as your old deck, if not how about as lethal?
you ever crossed paths with that ONE guy that ever defeated your deck?...i think he played a jungle book deck...
Can i legaly pull an artifact creature from my library with tinker so i can pull karn?
Do creatures still count as "summon"cards? if so theres still some gooe cards to considder.
Know of any other cards REALY close to tinker...(not toy maker or anything, though that may be good as a minor defense and sac-able to tinker for low cast cost...hmmm.)
Onward to more conversation then.......
Playing in washington taught me that speed is paramount, hense my old 40 card pandanought deck...anyway today by 4th turn i had fucked up a guy so bad (5 player game) that he concieded. After that it was all but over, they tried to crap me out by bouncing karn but i came back and killed them all....actually they all but 1 concieded to my 12 dmg was awesome, they truely fealt helpless...and they have pritty devistating decks...especially when they 4-way me...dude was so pissed he was like "its like it has to be a us vs. you game... you need a NEW deck..."...bla bla bla, waaaaa!!! I told him i could make this "same" basic deck new for cheep and still do the same shit so im not interested in new cards when i all ready got old ones....that and I PLAY LEGACY GOD DAMN IT! Furthermore I think id rather play 1 on 1 anyway. mwahahaha. The tables were turned yesterday though ,i had my deck too unbalanced to late game and i got creamed first thing... I had no defense realy and i have had mana problems, so i was a sitting duck, that and due to the above "us vs. you" mentality i was just ASKING for it. So I sat up last night and tuned what i had, and ditched some shit and walla, instant(ok maby a medium length game as far as iv been playing lately) mudhole stomping. that was after an atempt at making that drain life deck i wanted to was working fantasticly too untill they whined about targeting multiple targets with drain can do that right? dmg is 1-1 for every black spent right? is it limited as a sorcery that does not say, shit i dont know how to word it other than "any tgt creature or player" and it does say that. They were just arguing that when i cast it i pick tgt player or creature and then do dmg per black mana, i still think they are wrong but im no head judge and i have to play with them so i just decided to modify that deck by droping the initiates of the ebon hand and all the black dmg and make it a hard core x-burn deck, powered by my dynamo's and 12 urzas lands...i think i had it spread a little thin (multicolor and too much land was Urza's) but it would have gotten better with tuning, alas though i only play about 1 game a day at lunch if im lucky(work permitting and weekends excluded). and on that note i dropped it to focus on the animated artifact principal. it is alot more fun first of all and second i can do alot with this deck by abusing some of these newer cards ;-}
So, ANYWAY... now on to the story about how i got one of chris rush's artist proof manabarbs.
when i moved out and left woodland i went to live with my parents in longview. well my cousen shastity stayed with us for a few weeks and her boyfiend came too. he lived with chris rush...he had a sweet ass signed actual original of the wretched....framed and done up real nice with this black netting under the glass and shit...anyway he had a STACK!!! of these artist proofs he got from chris, i was like OGM hook it up, at least ONE...
needless to say thats when i developed the dreadnought's from 2 artifact creatures i allways dreamed of using into a strait horrific 4th turn deathbringing duelist basher. nothing like your 3k deck (did you name that deck before you sold it?) sure, it didnt have the power 9, not a one i think...but still, i remember one of the first pandanought games i played with that guy...he had like a 99 power "collosstomy bag" of sardia, with pandamonium in play and i was holding my own...i think we started with 40 life though, we were tired of reshuffeling all the time ;) im sure you know what i mean. on that note my deck kicks ass if i get to shuffle realy well, but im tired of having mana blocked together when i start a game...and tired of taking mulligans...hehehehe
well shit man, im gunna be out to sea here REAL soon. cant say when but when im gone ill let ya know where you can reach me.
dont be a stranger now fucker.
sean warren wrote:
Note: forwarded message attached.
Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page Date: Wed, 18 May 2005 13:07:21 -0700 (PDT)
From: Nitsuj Eelneerg
Subject: BS
To whom it may concern. This unit (J. Delmont Greenlee 1) has acquired intelligences regarding the status of the pestilence unit: Sean Warren 1. This message is a direct attempt to reestablish communications and find out what the fuck is up, dude. Hey hey! D'you still play cards? no, check out the standard affinity stomper (enclosed). Eat pizza.
Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around Better Affinity, by Forsiz uv Eevil (60 cards)
Deck Info
Deck Cost:
Sideboard Cost:
Total Cost:
2 Broodstar
4 Frogmite
4 Myr Enforcer
4 Ornithopter
2 Phyrexian Dreadnought
4 Phyrexian Walker
1 Dark Ritual
2 Fling
1 Hunger of the Nim
4 Shrapnel Blast
4 Thoughtcast
4 Cranial Plating
4 Lotus Petal
4 Paradise Mantle
4 Darksteel Citadel
4 Great Furnace
4 Seat of the Synod
4 Vault of Whispers
Sideboard (15 cards)
3 Hurkyl's Recall
4 Pyroblast
4 Red Elemental Blast
4 Lightning Greaves
end of quot and of this post.