(no subject)

Nov 07, 2006 12:28

So, my new scientific calculator is the most gratuitous thing ever. I love it already.
Also, hurray for not failing Chem because I can't use TI scientific calculators!

Edit: In other geek news, I just had a math lecture about Green's Theorem for flux. Two things: (1) Curl and divergence make so much more sense when you think of them as del cross F and del dot F, and (2) Maxwell's equations MAKE INFINITELY MORE SENSE in terms of curl and divergence. Seriously. It's kind of blowing my mind how my physics and math class have suddenly decided to converge and thus result in Maxwell's equations ACTUALLY MAKING SENSE.
Erm, for those of you who understood like, none of that, wait till you take Multivariable Calc and E&M, and then you will see what I mean and it will BLOW YOU AWAY.
Edit, again: Dude, my brother has a Facebook. <3

geek, science, life, college, meta

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