(no subject)

Jun 21, 2006 19:05

OK, so I am back from Australia. And I suppose I have many things to say, most importantly that it was cold  there and now I'm sick.
I'll give a real entry later, about music, movies, books (OMG), accents and immigrants. And Australia, I suppose, and my fear of foraging for food. And I still have to finish my "Doctor Who's Gay Agenda" entry.
Go read this article on Sex and Scandal at Duke in Rolling Stone, and then this response by a Duke blogger. Depressing. And rather interesting.
Also, I'm apparently hopeless on politics. I answered "Liberal" and "other" to Niyatee's question... and then explained in the comments, ruminated about SwedenBangladesh and India before Keri and I decided that absurdism does not go well with politics.
So next time you ask me about my politcal views, I'll scoff and declare myself an absurdist.

politics, life, college, meta, sex

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