striking similarities

Jun 12, 2009 15:10

This was brought on by the terrible quality of the piano app on Microsoft Surface, and how much Firestone would prefer to write a new one rather than doing whatever silly things he is doing for Microsoft right now:

Firestone: you had some piano experience once right?
Firestone: good for education of young children
Sharmin: ages ago, when i was small. i gave up quickly...preferred reading, never practiced
Firestone: haha shame. it used to be in the 19th century that if a lady was to get anywhere in society, she needed to have reasonable piano skills
Sharmin: yes. these days, fellatio is an acceptable alternative
Firestone: i feel like these should not be mutually exclusive. both should be requirements
Sharmin: hahaha
Firestone: though for whatever reason, even if the woman got really good she was rarely allowed to perform in public. it was supposed to be a service for her husband
OH ALSO, back in Cambridge tomorrow!

conversations, sex

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