Mar 21, 2004 19:41
Well, I've been in England for 2 and a half months now and it still hasn't hit me that 'Oh my god, I'm in England.'
It has been a weird and crazy two months. I've left life as I've always known it in New Zealand, then flown for 27hours including a huge as 6hr stop over in Hong Kong. I've met the three girls I'll be living with for the year; Abbey, Alice and Kim, as well as the four other people who live in our flat; Allana, Liza, Paul and Hannah. I've semi adjusted to life over, learned the work and have traveled up to London and then Scotland. And now, I'm figuring out the easter holidays when me and Toni go to Ireland.
The flight here was long, tedious and boring. The hardest part was walking though the gate away from Mum, Angela, and everyone. I was crying like someone had died, and in a way a little piece of me has. I know that this experence will forever change me. Angela was the first to tart crying and that was hard. I've never seen her cry, she's not the kind of person who crys easily or shows her emotions to the world, so the fact that she did ment a great deal to me. She gave me an awesome travel pack with a pack of cards 'from' group 2, as well as lots of other little nick naks that has some sort of value between us.
I manged not to cry until I was going around hugging everyone good by. I got to Dad and I just started bawling. It was weird that it was Dad that started me, I didn't think it would effect me the way it did. It was Mum that really made it hard though, she's such a wonderful person and I love her so much. I just found myself clinging to her and just crying when it came time to board. Her and Angela are who I'm missing the most, and I'm looking foward to December 19th when I get back in the country.
I managed to sit next to Toni on the way to Hong Kong. Infront of us were two girls, Emma and Jaquie. Coninsidently, they're two of Alice's friends.
We spent three long hours in Hong Kong airport. Toni, Emma, Jaquie and I looked around the shops before finding everyone else from our plane crashed out on the foor sleeping. We sat down with them but didn't sleep, no, I pulled out Angela's leaving present and started doing my Raphael puzzel.
We boarded again but I wasn't able to sit next to Toni, so unfortunatly I got stuck next to some asian guy who snored a lot. But in the seat next to him was a hot guy called David whose also on is GAP year, so it wasn't all bad. But there was definatly some bad. Something wasn't right with our plane and we ended up iting in the plane for three hours waiting for everything to be fixed. The worst thing was they couldn't put the air con on until they were in the air. Urggg, I felt so ill after that.
Reading University was good. It was great to meet so many other people who were doing the same thing I was and who could relate. Although I did spent a lot of time catching up on missed sleep, so I didn't meet the other girls, Abbey, Alice and Kim, until the day before we left.
We all jumped on the buses the next morning which took us to the train station. I sat next to Abbey who was talking about some sports mag which has naked girls in it. It was a weird conversation topic. We started to get to know each other on the train which was good but it wasnt really much. Even now I'm still getting to know them. Liza was at the station to meet and greet us when our train got it. She found us which I supose wasn't to hard considering we were four lost looking girls with hords of lugage. Gary the driver was with her, and so was someone else, I tink it may have been Sue Straits, but I can't say I really remember.
The first homesickness, even though it was small, hit me when I first arrived at Victoria Education Center, my home for this year. I just sat on my bed looking around my room and just let a few tears go. I think it was because up until this point I had Toni with me but at that moment I felt so alone. I knew no one. I had also got stuck wih the smallst room and was feeling bitter about that because when I say small, I really mean it.
The first few days were hard, gettingto know everyone and our way around the school. I was still extreamly nevrous and a little uncomfertable at the job I was going to have to do. But now I look back at wonder why, it's great! So much better than I thought it would be.
Abbey and Kim seemed to bond instantly, and Alice got along with them both pretty well as well. I think I held back a little because they're all so different to my friends back home, that was a hard adjustment to make. I found it very hard and aquward with them for quite a while, I still don't have Alice figured out, I don't think you can with Alice. Abbey was talking with me the other dy and reckons the same thing. Its hard to know where you stand with her.
Abbey's who I've got alond best with out of the gappers. Kim I get along with alright, although I still miss the security you get when you have a close friend. I haven't got anyone like that over here.
The people in te flat are all nice. Allana is well funny and out of everyone I get along with her the best. Liza is good company but I still haven't really 'bonded' with her. Paul is Paul. There's no way to describe him. I don't talk much to him, he's really quite gross to be honest. Hannah's the one wo weirds me out the most. She's very very religous and very quiet. She never sits in the lounge so the only time I see her is when she pops into the kitchen to get something to eat, and even then its brief. The only topic of conversation you can get out of her is about the Salvation Army or about Steve, some guy she likes. But, news is she might be moving out, so if so, I get her room - which, is much bigger than mine!