Dec 09, 2005 20:40
So I had this epiphany I wanted to tell Keri about... Well basically I'm applying- and based on my last four years of college, grades, gpa, test scores, volunteer work- am going to be accepted to medical school. This has been my goal, and I mean big time goal, for the past four years... and I've pretty much managed to achieve it... But I don't think I really want to go anymore :). Nope, I want to get my masters and eventual PhD in devolopmental biology. I want to work in a lab, particually in a fertilization and IVF center. All along I have wanted to be an OB/GYN because I have wanted to work with the devolopmental part of biology, but really I'd like to be working in a lab dealing/analyzing/researching devolopmental biology. It's so weird... I basically have what I want now and realize that may not be what I really want at all... But the good part for Keri is that instead of delivering your babies, I can fertilize your eggs :). lol... Who knows what I'll actually end up doing, after all I am still applying to Medical schools, but I have found my dream company in the detroit area and if by some miracle I could get a job there when I graduate this year, I will! O loveeee...
And also... When Travis and I moved in together, I was scared. I didn't know what I was going to feel and I had my doubts. But I'm so happy, and it has brought me and Travis closer together. And after 2 years of dating, he's asking me to marry him :). And the ring is gorgeous. And we're gonna have a Christmas wedding one year from now. So now I'm busy budgeting and analyzing exactly how we're gonna pull this off.
I'm graduating. I have manage to figure out my passion. I'm getting married. I seen to be reconnecting with a lot of old close friends. And I love you all. I really hope everything stays going good... ::cross my fingers::