
Jul 10, 2006 19:02

Today I saw someone I knew that I sort of admire for their accomplishments and they greated me with "Hey, fuck up!" Even though they were joking it hurt. Because I seriously feel like one.

Well, I did a U.S. Tour and that was pretty awesome. There were a lot of set backs and drama and bullshit, including our guitarist bailing on us a day before we leave, our trailor breaking the first day of tour and having to pay $900 for a ned one, and dudes breaking into our van in Clevenlan, Ohio and stealing like $3000 worth of valuables from us. All in all there are amazing memories. I must saying that getting to Jacksonville beach at 5AM and feeling a sense of accomplished through all ten of us that we had made it that far was by far the highest moment in my life thus far.

On to my present day life. Things are really rough, I'm close to $8000 worth of debt, lot of which is from buying equipment for the band, or ordering some merchandise, other things we my fault as well, and a lot of it had to do with moving into the apartment and charging a lot of the things we now have in our place on my credit card. But whatever. I have no regrets. If I could go back, I probably would change some things and make it so that I didn't have to put music on the back burner for awhile. So, I wouldn't have to straight up just work for the next year and a half. I don't want to do this for the rest of my life. If I can't be in a band I at least am going to shoot for college, maybe become a tech for a touring band because I know I could be good at something like that.

I'm not going to lie, I feel like a huge part of me is missing, although I don't have much time to dwell on it because I'm pretty much keeping myself busy. I'm trying to get a second over night job to make some serious cash and save up for a brand new car, that I hope to be able to afford by next spring.

Things will be alright, and yea I'm feeling really down in out lately but I'm sure that I will be alright. It's just the time thing that kill me, can't I just fast forward?

I have the best girlfriend ever though, so thank god I did something right.
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