Mar 05, 2004 23:31
Good evening.
Well,i havent updated this hussie for a while now,huh!
Lately,i've been in a weird mood.
Monday was alright.Me and mel did the usual daily routine.Then Tuesday thats where everything went down hill.i got a 16% in art..and i got a phone call home (because im pretty cool)..and well my mom picked me up from amanduh's unexpectedly and i got grounded from Tuesday to Friday but luckly i got to go out today because it was just so lovely outside.Well....Hmmm,I almost got kicked out of my own house but then my mom told me a couple days ago that she would never kick me out even if i was 35 because she doesn't want her little girls growing up.hah!..I felt bad but people grow older.
Well............Meghan goes to my school now.She took a picture of me the other day.
I was scared *blushes* haha.She gives good hugs.
Uhm..Sarah called me today and i SAW HER TODAY! MAAAAAAAN!it was so totally cool.
Oh boy did i miss her.I've decided that if you're a friend and you choose to do drugs,go ahead and do 'em cus it'll only make us closer.haha, wont,but its your happy for yah.
Well ..... I miss amanduh but this whole 'her living 2 minutes away from me' deal is pretty darn cool.
me and mr.lauder talk now.i will not interefere with's a promise.haha.
James & James have FINALLY reunited.
I missed the slugger *sad face*
Well .. Im all out.
G'bye! Love, Kathy kakes