a sidewalk where a shitload of famous people walked on.

Apr 14, 2004 19:26

Yo yo yo.
Today was such an awesome day!!
I had the 'art' trip which turned into a kick-ass adventure.
We went to TORONTO. Boy, how i miss toronto.
Well we got there around 10 and we had till 12 to walk around so, Lesley, Chantelle, Chris, Joey and I decided to walk to muchmusic which was so rad because even though we didnt see anyone like Rick, we did however see some black securety gaurd along with Devin the newest VJ. Then we went into a whole bunch of stores and i got lesley and i a phenix the CAT shirt, (same ones) and i got myself a jack daniles shirt and a Ramones shirt for mel. It was kick ass.
i had soo much fun today *hurray*
Chris picked up a pigeon. it was SO cool.

Well anyway -- that is all . G'day.

love, kath
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