Apr 07, 2004 19:34
close your eyes and i kiss you ... *
where in the world did i go wrong.
~ now, today has been a pretty okay day. Yesterday i found out im passing french with a 60. it totally woke me up.
in french today, me and jamaal had a couple good laughs.we plotted revenge against maddame marleau because shes a bitch.me and ryan talked today for a while.i made him laugh.he can be kinda freaky sometimes, but he's really rad if you get to know him.i found out a few things about him today(haha).I used jamaal's head as a pillow today.His black hair is soo soft. haha
~im getting really bored w/ everything lately.everything is so damn boring.me and lateefa think so.Lunch was pretty cool today.20 dollar bills can be very useful,huh.
*im getting pretty good at basketball.im always so excited about playing.*whoop-dee-doo.
I miss briana.I never talk to her anymore.Although i did however, speak with her earlier. She's heavenly.Simply heavenly. well .. im going to go now. Goodbye.
" kathster ..