Apr 16, 2006 14:35

I stole this from my sis's LJ LOL oh well. tis edited also kindaish

LOL sometimes Sin, Evan and Marc come up with the wierdest games ever...although i know some of them already exist it was still hularious to watch them carry out the games.
So yah we had Evan and Marc over at our house and mom and dad were out with friends.... so i know already that it was going to be an interesting night with that trio in the house. First they watched BrokeBack Mountain, since i already have seen and and didn't feel like watching it again, i on the other hand watched some Anime on the computer in the same room. It was fun and once the movie was over i made some food for myself but they didn't...i guess because they didn't want KD and there was like nothing in the house. oh well... later they all left the downstairs and went upstairs for something, i didn't pay much attention because i was watching a funny new anime that Marc advised me watch Princess Princess.. really funny anime LOL...
so i am watching the first episode and then i hear my sister half yelling while trying to keep her laughter from being heard "EVAN IS DYING!!! EVAN IS DYING" because i know my sister very well and i know that Trio was up to something i was annoyed. Then all this Laughter and Screaming came from the top of the stairs and Sin yelled "I CAN'T DEFEAT AXEL" and i was like 'what the heck' i know she was being stupid but want over to investigate.
i found to my astonishment the trio standing on the stairwell trying to get down each stop on a small blanket, the dog's blanket/carpet things to be exsact. again i was just really annoyed yet confused at what they were up to so i asked them. "THE FLOOR IS LAVA! THE FLOOR IS LAVE! HELP US GET DOWN FROM THE STAIRS HURRY!"....my reaction 'what ever' and i walked away. i heard sin say to the others "she's invincleble! cuz she's a pokemon" and they all burst out laughing so i ignored them and went back to watching my anime.
so yah they were their away till they made it down all the stairs all three of them on one blanet.... then things changed and they acted like nothing had happened. i didn't get much of what they were talking about but i do know that was again interupted by Marc calling "Mimi play Hide and Seek with US!"....'like no thanks i am watching a really good anime' my response was "no thanks". so i tuned out again till i over heard the converstation turn into a "LETS PLAY HIDE AND SCARE HIDE AND SEEK!"..."WHAT!" i excailmed turning to see what was going on... but eventually i just ignored them as they went off...
"AHH!!!" came a scream from upstairs...the game hadn't even started up but there was already yelling... 'stupid'... as marc counted i found that was thursty so i went up with him when he was done counting...the upstairs was pour black...but since i can sort see in the dark and know the house pritty well it was easy for me. the first game was kinda easy Sin and Evan both gave up their hiding spots by laughing. i had my water and so we all headed back downstairs.
The next game Evan was it. i mayself didn not join in instead i went around cleaning the downstairs from all their food and drinks...i ended up going upstairs at the same time as Evan and once i deposted all the rubish and stuff in the dark, Evan decided he wanted my help...well i guess i didn't mind but he made me jsut stand with him while he checked around corners and stuff... Sin was the first to be found because she smashed into a chair and then marc was found at the bottom of the stairs going into my dads office.
back to the basement... third game started with Sin as the seeker...i ignored this game but i decided i had to go upstairs to get my sketch book and such because i needed to start designing how my cosplay for Evoltution was going to look....and i needed to make them in detail for my Aunt to help me make them. so i went upstairs to my room to retreive my work. only to come down the the main level and have my sister grab on to me like a little chicken. so yah she hauled me around while looking and whenever i tried to get away she would come yelling after me and grab my arm...talk about a scary cat...-__-'
the door bell ran while she was still looking and Marc had to go...so yah that was a pritty interesting night...i think it might have been better if had carried on but well..Marc's dad always seems to come early or before 10

YES that was friday night LOL YAY
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