Sep 06, 2004 00:13
I figured since the summer is dying down and school is starting up again, I might as well get back in the habit of writing in this. it's weird to think back to almost 2 years ago when I first got one of these and wrote in it almost everyday.. if not more. so, in recent events:
volleyball started and I can't even express how excited I am.. this is going to be a great season despite my own personal flaws, such as my ankle problems.. which were only worsened when I was blocking and landed on lindsay, fucking up my ankle/foot even more. yay for sucking at life.
other than that, my life as basically consisted of the beach and some other not so fun things, including driver's ed (which is now completed), reading one flew over the cuckoo's nest and being bored because long beach sucks.
I babysat my little cousins tonight. the baby cried the entire night and I had to walk around the house with him trying to get him to sleep for probably a total of an hour and a half. my arm feels like it's going to fall off. but i must say, he really is adorable. so is dylan in that funny toddler kinda way, saying things that make everybody laugh and doing funny things.
marie and rich and the kids came down for the weekend.. the girls donated their hair. i took pictures but I'll upload them later.
that's all for now, I'll start updating more once school starts.