Mar 06, 2006 00:29
soooo..not much to update on lately. had a pretty nice spring break hanging out with people and relaxing. only like a month and a half until summer vacation (well, i'll be taking spring classes but that'll go by long as everyone else will be home from college, then it's all good). ::sigh:: i can't wait til it gets warm...i look forward to summer every single day. i'm so over winter.
on friday i went with mallory to visit RHS. got to see mr guyor, mrs arnold, ms steinkraus (she's ENGAGED!), and a crapload of people i hadn't seen since last summer like jonny nabors and such. at night i went to DQ, target, and taco bell with tasha, jessica, kristine, mackenzie, and everyone else who came. it was sooo nice to get to see everyone...ive missed them!
possibly going to u of m next weekend?? gotta make sure its okay with the mother cuz ya never know. cuz that would be sweet...and i'll be on yet another road trip with mackenzie lol. should be fun!
got some coffee with the a-kizzle today and then headed over to gregs for lunch. been studying and doing homework the rest of the day...and now im restless and dont know what to do with myself. i guess i could go read...
sooo anybody see fall out boy on SNL?? pete was looking pretty sexy...the concert in april is gonna rock. OH and ive come to find out that rocket summer is headlining a tour in the spring, but no dates have been posted yet. mallory and i (and maybe mackenzie) will be crossing our fingers that it's at the magic stick. cuuuz that would be amazing. yes yes oh yay.
ugh tomorrow's a pretty big day for a certain someone. i'm a little worried...things could go either way and im not quite sure which one i prefer. i guess things will happen for the best.