So I'm either making goals to cap every Halle Berry film made or every Robert Downey, Jr. film. Either way, I'm pretty pleased doing it. Nip/Tuck episode caps aren't ready because my usual source hasn't been uploading the show. This final season started on a sucky note anyway.
However, the point of this post is to share my Gothika screencaps. I really love this movie. I enjoyed it, even though it was getting kind of panned by other critics. I think they could have taken the plot further and take advantage of that chemistry between Halle and Robert but they didn't... that's what fanfiction's for, I suppose. Anyway, on to the caps!
:: comment, i greatly appreciate it
:: credit -
sincerely_jane or
spattergroit; i'm not picky
:: hotlinking is a no-no
:: friend the journal to keep yourself updated
affiliate?:: please let me know if you're nominating any icons! ty!
two more samples behind the cut!
704 x 396 in size
4616 caps in total
ooo4 folders total
PT. 1PT. 2PT. 3PT. 4